Topical Weight Loss Creams?


New member
Not for me, for the misses. I'm gonna be running a methylated oral test cycle with MK-677 and Animal Pump daily, hoping to get totally shredded, but was hoping I could find some gear strength topical weight loss cream for my wife, I've tried everything for her and it's the only goddamn thing she'd use because I'm not around enough to monitor her injections or make sure she takes her pills every day. Any ideas? Also if anyone knows how to treat acne for a female that would be appreciated much too.
Sarmsearch gw but as said diet cut down the carbs ect are you taking m1t or oral test both are bad ideas people inject for a reason your putting your health at risk throwing money down the toilet at the same time . I would recommend a 500mg test e cycle 12 to 14 weeks you also didn't mention an ai or pct if you're not ready to inject best to stay natural or run a small sarm cycle best of luck
Sarmsearch gw but as said diet cut down the carbs ect are you taking m1t or oral test both are bad ideas people inject for a reason your putting your health at risk throwing money down the toilet at the same time . I would recommend a 500mg test e cycle 12 to 14 weeks you also didn't mention an ai or pct if you're not ready to inject best to stay natural or run a small sarm cycle best of luck

I think you missed the part about it being for his wife. :)
Well gw for the wiffee but if he is considering running oral test as a male???? he hasn't got any business trying to sort out his girl with weight loss drugs when he doesn't even know what he's doing with the shit hes thinking of taking himself
Well gw for the wiffee but if he is considering running oral test as a male???? he hasn't got any business trying to sort out his girl with weight loss drugs when he doesn't even know what he's doing with the shit hes thinking of taking himself

Gotta support this ^^^ post
I know the whole spiel about oral test, I've done it before, had good results, I've ran and bridged heavy test e/c/deca cycles in the past, I'm well versed in those areas, as well as have the hookups for human grade, I just figured why not try oral hgh with oral t (if it has no effect I'll drop it, was just hoping for a small boost) Plus I had near death related needle incident so I'm kinda off the injections for some time.

Diet for the female is fine, it's just stubborn fat, I've seen topicals and can get topicals, but not without making a monster order, was hoping for somethinf "cheap" and easy. It's hilarious, most ocd, clean and organized person but can't take vitamins to save her life.
A near death related needle issue?

I'm with this Q,? WTF could have happened by this near death. In all my life and hell that's 65-1/2 years :( I have never heard of thee near death from doing IM injections. Maybe IV and even then it would be the drug not the needle. :dunno:

Can you PLEASE tell us what you mean. AND really I ask you respectfully
It was totally unrelated to gear, I got a shot that hit a vein, almost had a heart attack and died, it was pretty crazy. Luckily I was already at a hospital. Can't pressure it enough, aspirate.

I work a pretty physical job, would it be a good idea to dose mk 677 in the morning or at night? Seems like there's not enough information on that, my buddy takes his at night but he's only been on it a month so there's no real way of knowing if that's the best or not.
After it happened, I gave away two cycles of test to a friend for free, I didn't want nothing to do with needles anymore, even though I had no problem running x amount of cycles.
It was totally unrelated to gear, I got a shot that hit a vein, almost had a heart attack and died, it was pretty crazy. Luckily I was already at a hospital. Can't pressure it enough, aspirate.

I work a pretty physical job, would it be a good idea to dose mk 677 in the morning or at night? Seems like there's not enough information on that, my buddy takes his at night but he's only been on it a month so there's no real way of knowing if that's the best or not.

Ok the thing to remember is mk last 24 hours after you dose it and basically every hour you get a gh pulse so it starts of weak then builds up the strongest pulse you will get is 24 hours after your dose so with that in mind you can dose when ever you want depending on what your after ect
Ok fair enough if i were you id still abort the oral test and go for some trest/ment the oral versions are stronger than injectable test and on par with tren so you will definitely see good gains just be careful take liver supps ect . Trest is the only from of aas that can be a substitute for test its being studied in very very low doses as a form of male birth control and if you take it pre workout you will literally feel like superman its powerful shit you will see changes in your body in less than a week
Not for me, for the misses. ... was hoping I could find some gear strength topical weight loss cream for my wife, ... Any ideas? Also if anyone knows how to treat acne for a female that would be appreciated much too.

Can't exactly help you with "weight loss cream", but here's my experience:

Prototype Nutrition makes a 11-Ketotestosterone liquid spray. I use it, my dosage is scaling it down t 1/20th of what men use.
Iron Legion Supplements also make a liquid 1-KT, which they call XI-KT. I dilute it with rubbing alcohol, and store it in a travel perfume bottle. Have diluted it with sweet almond oil too, still works fine.

Just be aware of any changes in the vocal cords, i.e. random sore throats. IMO ease off the gear if that happens.
Fat distribution emphasis changed from butt to gut, but can't say there was much LOSS.

Acne can be an oestrogenically caused so depending on your missus' age and lifestage, it can be age. My acne DECREASED after I started using 11-KT. I was on a 8 week cycle, at the beginning my face got greasier, but the natural oils settled down as the cycle went on. When I was off cycle, by week 6 I was having Low-T symptoms so I got back on, 11-KT EOD.

Anyway, hope this helps.
To be honest, using a type of lunchtime lypo might be in order to help with that stubborn fat. There are new types of fat destroying procedures that are not invasive, so you can look into them. They are expensive, but they are guaranteed to work.

To increase endurance, I would look at GW50. It will help you to keep pushing after you normally would want to quit. If your lady is doing cardio, GW50 will help you doing it longer so that can help with the stubborn fat.

If you are already taking external test, why not add in some LGD? LGD is known to fully suppress test production, but you are doing that anyway. LGD and Test are a great combo.

With all this in mind, diet is the number one thing to make sure it is in perfect shape. These items will only help you if that is in line first.
Not for me, for the misses. I'm gonna be running a methylated oral test cycle with MK-677 and Animal Pump daily, hoping to get totally shredded, but was hoping I could find some gear strength topical weight loss cream for my wife, I've tried everything for her and it's the only goddamn thing she'd use because I'm not around enough to monitor her injections or make sure she takes her pills every day. Any ideas? Also if anyone knows how to treat acne for a female that would be appreciated much too.

apple cider vinegar 2-4 shots drank daily and using an organic natty soap (i use DR.bronners) 1-2x a day shower should help acne. takes weeks though. IMO