Topographical and atmospheric relevance


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Topographical and atmospheric relevance

Watch The Conjuring Online It's nice that Epic gives a very thorough breakdown of the new features of the Unreal Engine 4, as well as showcasing how the engine is designed to be very user friendly as we gear up for the full fledged next generation of home console gaming. Epic has also released a video detailing how their layered materials work, which you can check out below. One of the more popular features of the Unreal Engine 4 sadly won't be used on home gaming consoles and it's the global illumination, which allows designers and artists to put a single light source in place and have the light bounce throughout the entire game world to light every surface. It's a taxing feature that caused a lot of strain on the hardware and sadly home consoles just don't have enough power under the hood to keep up.

Watch Cloudy 2 Online With Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag only a few days out from shipping, chances are you sneaky-types in the audience will be busy jumping from rooftop to rooftop and stabbing folks with wrist-mounted blades into the holiday season. But what will you do with yourself once Black Flag is done and the New Year rolls around? Now the answer could very well be: Jump from more rooftops and stab more dudes, as Assassin's Creed: Liberation HD has received a launch date of January 14th.

Watch Prisoners Online Originally released for the PlayStation Vita, Assassin's Creed: Liberation tells the story Aveline, the first playable female Assassin living in a New Orleans struggling with war and slavery. Along with the standard array of sneaky moves, harrowing acrobatics and skilful combat, Aveline had the ability to blend in to her surroundings rather than going in guns/blades blazing all the time. Taking on the role of an Assassin, a high class lady or a slave, she could infiltrate formerly off limits areas and discover new, less violent ways to complete her missions.

Watch Escape Plan Online Now the game is headed to the PlayStation 3 as a PSN download, and it's packing the requisit HD upgrade to boot. Wrestle gators, steer carts, shoot fools in the neck with a blowdart and introduce all manner of enemies to all manner of pointy instruments. Yep, it's all here. Upisoft Sofia Producer Momchil Valentinov Gindyanov recently made the Jan. 14 release date for Assassin's Creed: Liberation HD official, saying that even fans of the Vita version of the game will find new stuff to love in this latest version, complete with new missions, enhanced levels and refined gameplay.

Watch Carrie Online “When we set out to do Liberation HD, our objective was simple: improve upon what worked on the Vita and adapt the gameplay and missions to be the most fun and enjoyable they could be,” she said. “As a result, each mission has been reworked in order to improve its pacing, and the challenge it poses to the player.” Look for Assassin's Creed: Liberation HD on Jan. 14, through the PlayStation Network, for $19.99. Earlier announcements for the game had it pegged as coming to the Xbox 360 and PC, too, but no word yet on if those versions of the game will share the same release date. That is, however, a pretty safe bet.

Watch 12 Years a Slave Online So here it is, the pros and cons I've gathered from my play experience with Square Enix's revamped and re-released MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. There will be plenty of Final Fantasy fanboys and fangirls alike who probably won't like the assessment laid out with the pros and cons of the game, but this is how the dice falls, folks. Originally, I didn't have very many nice things to say about the game in my introductory first impressions piece, and things didn't get much better by the time I hit level 10. However, things did start to turn around heading into level 20 and I found a caveat of promise around the level 30 mark. Still, the game has its rough edges and I managed to carve out both the pros and cons of the game in this here article. So let's start with the pros.

Watch The Fifth Estate Online Absolutely the best part about Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. I wasn't really drawn into the game until I heard the iconic prelude piece from famed composer Nobuo Uematsu, and then I absolutely fell head over heels in love with the soundtrack by the time the night version of Ul'dah's theme started up. The original Chocobo theme making a remastered appearance; the bass guitar from Shadow's theme used during the Aleport music; that absolutely drop-dead gorgeous track for outer Lominsa, and the John Powell-sounding track from How to Train Your Dragon really had me cracking a smile in upper Limsa Lominsa. Uematsu and the rest of the sound design team really knocked it out of the park with the soundtrack and it was a much needed element to help keep players both engaged and audibly entertained.

The next best thing in the game was obviously the atmosphere. Each map felt as if it were designed to help bring to life Eorza in a fantastical and yet grounded way. Farming could only be done in forested areas – which nicely tied in with the job locations as well – mining could only be done in rocky, barren locales, and fishing areas were available every once in a while at strategically placed but topically correct spots. What's more is that there was a nice feeling of space and architectural breath to this game that's rarely captured in other MMOs. I felt like there was room to explore and breathe as an explorer, though not quite to the extent of games like Mortal Online or Repopulation. Still, I adored the very differently-depicted maps that didn't just come across like theme park locations with fetch-quest rides to pass through. I felt like it was an actual adventure having to travel back and forth between each region, and that there was an air of significance attached to the journey because each region had topographical and atmospheric relevance to the story, characters, jobs and quests, which is not an easy thing to achieve in an MMO.