Torn Pec


New member
Whats up bro's! I haven't been on here in a long time due to having my first born then a pretty intense injury, but I'm glad to be back.

About 3 months ago I was benching and half way up on my fifth rep (315) my right pec gave out and completely tore away. One of the worst feeling I've ever felt in my life! I went straight to the hospital where they killed the pain and sent me to a specialist the next day. The MRI showed that it was a muscle on muscle tear and the dr said it would be an extremely difficult surgery with a 6 month healing time so I opted against it. I was told to rest it for 6 weeks and then start back very lightly.

So I've been back in the gym for about 7 weeks now and I'm slowly building my lifts back. Really focussing on legs, back, and arms, shoulders I can do lightly but absolutely no chest. I tried to do a very light cable fly last week and it wasn't happening. Also cruising on test and running a mild tbol dose to get a little size back. Diet has been pretty damn spot on the last couple of weeks so I'm shaping up pretty well. I'm a tren addict and I've got a bunch laying around but I'm trying not to run it at the moment because I'm scared I'll hurt myself.

Now that you know my story I was wanting to see if anyone else around here has had a similar injury. Maybe get some advice or just hear experiences.
You should see a doctor man, i'd rather use peps than aas..My cousin got herniated spinal discs from deadlifts he didnt go to doctors the first few days until the pain was killing him,doctors say that even after the surgery he may remain crippled for the rest of his life..The morale of the story is:GO TO THE FKN DOCTOR NOW AND GET THE SURGERY DONE!!! torn muscle is srs bznz alright..
I'd rather ignore that post than defend myself with the same words I used in my OP...

I do like the peptides idea you had though! I've considered this recently to help the healing process. Any suggestions on what would help? I've only ran IGF LR3 and DES when it comes to peps
I had a minor pec tear (partial) back a few years ago...Nothing to the extent of what you did though. As far as peptides go, TB-500 seems to be the way to go for healing. I respect your decision to not opt for surgery but the biggest drawback about that is that the torn muscle is going to heal with a ton of scar tissue, and that's what will be holding it together. The surgery will also cause scar tissue but not to the extent that you'll have, letting it heal on it's own. I would be willing to bet that you'll never bench 315 again in your life. Your pec just wont have the structural integrity to handle that kind of weight again with all that scar tissue holding it together. Maybe look into some physical therapy...those guys have some good methods to break down scar tissue and get that muscle in decent form.
I tore my right pec twice and my left once. Never had surgery. Used anabolics and gh to recover. I have scar tissue but it didn't hold me back strength wise.