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I've been slightly hypogonadal (day to day testosterone levels on the low end) for the last 5 years due to use of SSRIs.
My reference level pre cycle was 354.5 ng/dl (normal range 160-880).
I worked out in the gym pretty hard with a great diet (6 meals, dont smoke or drink and get to bed early) for 6 months but saw very few gains and the workouts were tough with low aggresion and power in my opinion becuase of the low test levels.
Decided that as I was planning to Testosterone Replacement Therapy anyway, I would do a beginner cycle first with heavy workouts to kickstart then drop back to a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dosage after 12 weeks (100mg a week)
Started 200mg Test Cyp E3D about 13 days ago. My source provided Balkan Pharma testosterone and all the vials failed the anti-piracy test (though the clomed he provided passed).
Thus I took a blood test to for Total Testosterone to check whether the gear was legit.
Result was 1499 ng/dl 13 days into a E3d 200mg Test cycle (baseline pre cycle for me was 354.5 ng/dl)
ADDED DETAIL: Last injection on the Tuesday morning, drew blood on the friday morning (ie the longest time since the last injection possible on the E3D schedule) and after drawing blood took my next E3D injection of test.
Clearly the Balkan Pharma test has increased my levels, but to those experienced with blood tests during a cycle, do my test levels look indicative of quality legitimate gear from Balkan?
Does the total test level slowly build up during the cycle to reach a peak some weeks into it (like half way for example)?
My reference level pre cycle was 354.5 ng/dl (normal range 160-880).
I worked out in the gym pretty hard with a great diet (6 meals, dont smoke or drink and get to bed early) for 6 months but saw very few gains and the workouts were tough with low aggresion and power in my opinion becuase of the low test levels.
Decided that as I was planning to Testosterone Replacement Therapy anyway, I would do a beginner cycle first with heavy workouts to kickstart then drop back to a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dosage after 12 weeks (100mg a week)
Started 200mg Test Cyp E3D about 13 days ago. My source provided Balkan Pharma testosterone and all the vials failed the anti-piracy test (though the clomed he provided passed).
Thus I took a blood test to for Total Testosterone to check whether the gear was legit.
Result was 1499 ng/dl 13 days into a E3d 200mg Test cycle (baseline pre cycle for me was 354.5 ng/dl)
ADDED DETAIL: Last injection on the Tuesday morning, drew blood on the friday morning (ie the longest time since the last injection possible on the E3D schedule) and after drawing blood took my next E3D injection of test.
Clearly the Balkan Pharma test has increased my levels, but to those experienced with blood tests during a cycle, do my test levels look indicative of quality legitimate gear from Balkan?
Does the total test level slowly build up during the cycle to reach a peak some weeks into it (like half way for example)?
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