track and field 400m cycle


New member
Okay so I want to hit sub 47 on the 400m and I was wondering if I can stack equipoise and test prop with it. My diet has been good just maintaining my weight and been training for 8 years and my cycle is 1-8 weeks EQ running at 400mg/week and 1-12 weeks for test prop running at 300mg/week. I would love hear your guys opinion. Thank you!:)
It seems like every Olympic sprinter that has ever tested positive for AAS has popped for winstrol or Anavar. I don't think eq is what you are looking for. Especially only 8 weeks worth is worthless. I recommend t prop for 8 weeks with var or winnie at 50mg ed. Im assuming this is your first cycle so there is alot of research you need to do before you jump in. Read the stickies at top.
^^ this.
You'll want strength gains without adding a bunch of body weight.. Testosterone base with winstrol should be fine

Age and stats?
I'm 19 and Im doing my research and I want something to increase my red blood cells just so I can push through that last 100m and no I have cycle before but it was oral.
I'm 19 and Im doing my research and I want something to increase my red blood cells just so I can push through that last 100m and no I have cycle before but it was oral.

You are too young to use AAS. Your endocrine system is still developing. It would be a shame to mess it up and end up on TRT for the rest of your life. Why don't you just do some high altitude training or something?

Are you male or female? If male, you should never do oral-only cycles. It shuts down your natural testosterone but you are not taking any exogenous testosterone. This forces you into a state of hypogonadism. Not good!
I'm 19 and Im doing my research and I want something to increase my red blood cells just so I can push through that last 100m and no I have cycle before but it was oral.

If your RBC gets too high you won't even be able to run 400 meters.. Eq can significantly increase RBC, to levels that are too high.. Test itself raises rbc but not to the degree that EQ does.
400 meters is a long sprint,, you would want strength gains over rbc gains, IMO.

Either way, when you hit 24+ yo give it a go and come back and let us know how it went
But even if I waited I wanna know what to take to accomplish my goals like the people said test prop and winny but The thing I don't want my joints to be dried out nor put on mass. I rather just be lean then after season I can put mass on. My body weight is 142.5 and my bf is roughly 10%
But even if I waited I wanna know what to take to accomplish my goals like the people said test prop and winny but The thing I don't want my joints to be dried out nor put on mass. I rather just be lean then after season I can put mass on. My body weight is 142.5 and my bf is roughly 10%

Good thing you have 5 years to keep doing your homework. I think you will have it figured put by then if you stick around here. :-)
Try Viagra, 200 mg caffeine, and a shot of beet juice an hour before a race.. Your athletic performance will be increased without screwing your hormonal system up with gear at age 19
Try Viagra, 200 mg caffeine, and a shot of beet juice an hour before a race.. Your athletic performance will be increased without screwing your hormonal system up with gear at age 19

I can just picture it. Photo finish race and OP wins by a boner!
So what would the cycle look like if I took test prop and winstrol for 8 weeks? I already know what to take for my pct but I'm curious.
I don't want my dick to be hard when I'm running lol.

Viagra increases blood flow, opens up blood vessels and results in increases in athletic performance.
When you watch nfl football games are they all running around with boners? No.. Boners are caused by sexual arousal, not Viagra.. So unless you got the hots for the guys ass that's running in front of you, you'll be fine and boner free
I prefer cialis personally.. Even use it as a pre workout,, there's been more studies done on athletic performance using Viagra though,, so that's why I said Viagra for the kid over cialis ( plus cialis lasts like two days, not 4'hours, wouldn't want him walking around with a boner that long).

Maybe it has something to do with the half life. Viagra is short and quick cialis is longer and lasts.. Kind of like comparing test suspension for performance vs test prop. Idk, maybe that's why Viagra has been tested more for athletic performance then cialis
^^ this.
You'll want strength gains without adding a bunch of body weight.. Testosterone base with winstrol should be fine

Age and stats?

The minute this kid injects some test suspension he will hit the ground crying. Roush, you're one cold fucker telling him to start with the test base lol