track and field 400m cycle

Man I know you want to run a cycle, but why not wait a year? If you are competing at the college level then sure go for it as it can lead to money making opportunities that you won't have later in life, but if that is not the case I would just wait. I think that test prop and anavar would be your best bet. Even masteron would be good. Just start simple with the prop and run an AI alongside it. Do you know what hcg and pct are?
The minute this kid injects some test suspension he will hit the ground crying. Roush, you're one cold fucker telling him to start with the test base lol

I read this a different way. He was saying use Test and Winny. Not TNE and Winny.
The minute this kid injects some test suspension he will hit the ground crying. Roush, you're one cold fucker telling him to start with the test base lol

lol.. yeah I meant test as the 'base' of the cycle, then add something like winny in. Test suspension, first time go around, probably not a good idea.
I'd be curious if anybody, besides power lifters, actually use test susp and use it as part of a cycle
I'm 19 and Im doing my research and I want something to increase my red blood cells just so I can push through that last 100m and no I have cycle before but it was oral.

Not really an expert on track, but isn't 400m pretty much an anaerobic distance? I question how much raising hematocrit will help.
Also, lots of guys here have elevated hct (mine was 53 as of yesterday) and it doesn't seem to provide any aerobic benefit in and of itself.
lol.. yeah I meant test as the 'base' of the cycle, then add something like winny in. Test suspension, first time go around, probably not a good idea.
I'd be curious if anybody, besides power lifters, actually use test susp and use it as part of a cycle

Yeah you mean "base" of a cycle. I was thinking test base. That's test without an ester and all the PL's at my gym complain about that pain. I think only lifters use test suspension.