I am banned!
Most of you guys already know this -- but figured I'd throw this out there especially for the newbs who are following old school AAS myths about what compound does what or what compound is for bulking or cutting or which compound makes you fat another supposedly makes you ripped.
its all about the estrogen-- when it comes to these old school cycles that guys read about.
example: 30 years ago, before AIs, some guy would want to do a 'bulk cycle' -- so he'd pop 60mg a day of Dianabol for 8 weeks and get full and swole and put on 35 pounds.. other dudes would see this and follow suite..
thus Dbol is a great Bulk Cycle-- it makes you big, albeit a little puffy.
well -- its the damn spike in E2 levels and estrogen and estrogens effect on water retention that is causing this big "bulk cycle" to happen…. Dbol aromatizes like a mother F'er,, estrogen is gonna spike. In fact, AAS compounds that aromatize at high levels, like test and dbol, were always thought to be great bulkers.. and they were thought that BECAUSE OF THE HIGH LEVEL OF AROMATIZATION AND ESTROGEN INCREASE.. estrogen is the bulker.
guys would pick out compounds that convert to estrogen to a high level for their bulk cycles.. compounds that did not convert to estrogen, or did so to a small degree, were always picked out for cut cycles.. Like primobolan or equipoise .
running EQ or primo for a cut because why-- there is not near the 'bulk' BECAUSE there is not a spike in Estrogen and 20 pounds of water retention . ESTROGEN IS THE GREAT BULKER.*** (we are smarter then this now a days, but these old schools cycle myths still exist)
Lets look at EQ (equipoise / boldenone) -- it is pretty much exactly, chemically, similar to Dbol -- yet dbol is the great bulker, and EQ is great for cutting cycles.. why? if they are nearly identical in chemical structure?
Because Dbol spikes estrogen and EQ does not.
EQ and Dbol are nearly the same - Dbol obviously has the c17 alpha alkyl so that it can be taken in oral form and processed by the body- - so why the estrogen spike with dbol compared to EQ,, Dbol doesn't necessarily Aromatize more,, its that it converts to a 17apha methylestadiol, which is a more biologically active form of estrogen then regular estrodial.
So again, its all about the estrogen,, Dbol is the the 'bulker' because it raises estrogen, Eq is more a cutter cause it does not.
thats where we get some of these old school bulk cycles or bulk 'compounds' from-- and why guys here about this stuff and want to run a Dbol only cycle and put on 30 pounds….. what they are wanting is to raise their estrogen, retain a shit ton of water and look swole.
now that AAS knowledge has come along over the years-- we know that diet, training, and CONTROLLING ESTROGEN,, is what determines a bulk cycle from a cut cycle.. you can cut and get jacked on a test, dbol cycle if you control estrogen and diet properly… using an AI is necessary ..
control your E2 and diet and select your compounds accordingly -- but don't just pop Dbol pills and get 'big' cause some dudes were doing it back in the day..
its all about the estrogen-- when it comes to these old school cycles that guys read about.
example: 30 years ago, before AIs, some guy would want to do a 'bulk cycle' -- so he'd pop 60mg a day of Dianabol for 8 weeks and get full and swole and put on 35 pounds.. other dudes would see this and follow suite..
thus Dbol is a great Bulk Cycle-- it makes you big, albeit a little puffy.
well -- its the damn spike in E2 levels and estrogen and estrogens effect on water retention that is causing this big "bulk cycle" to happen…. Dbol aromatizes like a mother F'er,, estrogen is gonna spike. In fact, AAS compounds that aromatize at high levels, like test and dbol, were always thought to be great bulkers.. and they were thought that BECAUSE OF THE HIGH LEVEL OF AROMATIZATION AND ESTROGEN INCREASE.. estrogen is the bulker.
guys would pick out compounds that convert to estrogen to a high level for their bulk cycles.. compounds that did not convert to estrogen, or did so to a small degree, were always picked out for cut cycles.. Like primobolan or equipoise .
running EQ or primo for a cut because why-- there is not near the 'bulk' BECAUSE there is not a spike in Estrogen and 20 pounds of water retention . ESTROGEN IS THE GREAT BULKER.*** (we are smarter then this now a days, but these old schools cycle myths still exist)
Lets look at EQ (equipoise / boldenone) -- it is pretty much exactly, chemically, similar to Dbol -- yet dbol is the great bulker, and EQ is great for cutting cycles.. why? if they are nearly identical in chemical structure?
Because Dbol spikes estrogen and EQ does not.
EQ and Dbol are nearly the same - Dbol obviously has the c17 alpha alkyl so that it can be taken in oral form and processed by the body- - so why the estrogen spike with dbol compared to EQ,, Dbol doesn't necessarily Aromatize more,, its that it converts to a 17apha methylestadiol, which is a more biologically active form of estrogen then regular estrodial.
So again, its all about the estrogen,, Dbol is the the 'bulker' because it raises estrogen, Eq is more a cutter cause it does not.
thats where we get some of these old school bulk cycles or bulk 'compounds' from-- and why guys here about this stuff and want to run a Dbol only cycle and put on 30 pounds….. what they are wanting is to raise their estrogen, retain a shit ton of water and look swole.
now that AAS knowledge has come along over the years-- we know that diet, training, and CONTROLLING ESTROGEN,, is what determines a bulk cycle from a cut cycle.. you can cut and get jacked on a test, dbol cycle if you control estrogen and diet properly… using an AI is necessary ..
control your E2 and diet and select your compounds accordingly -- but don't just pop Dbol pills and get 'big' cause some dudes were doing it back in the day..