Training Advice / Switch up


New member
Hello there for the past year i have had great results running the fallowing.

Time Spent = 1 hour / 1 hour 30

Mon - Arms ( Bicep curls, Bicep dumbbells. Skull Crusher, Rope and Bar Pulldowns, dips
Tue - chest (flat, incline, decline, flys)
Wed - Back (Deadlifts, rows, Pull downs, back machine)
Thurs - Shoulders (Shoulder press, Military Press, Front raises, side raises)
Friday - Legs ( Squats, leg press, lunges, calf raises, leg extension )

Ok so i have been using that routine for almost a year and switching up the excersises from dumbells to bar and sometimes adding in different workouts and i have gained alot doing so

however i was thinking about changing up to this STROWLIFTS 5x5

Workout time = 45 min - 1 hour

Squats 5 x 5
Bench 5 x 5
Barbell Rows 5 x 5



Squat 5 x 5
Overhead Press 5 x 5
Deadlift = 1 x 5



Squats 5 x 5
Bench 5 x 5
Barbell Rows 5 x 5

Has anyone ever ran a 5x5 routine with success or is this strong lifts 5x5 just a scam?
5x5 works really well just make sure you are eating enough, i burnt out quick on it but i did gain 20lbs on my deadlift and like 30lbs on my squat but i pushed too hard too early.

Also try not training to failure for a week or two i know it sounds crazy but just stop 2 reps short of what you think you can do, i swear i've noticed better gains cycling my failure training for a week, then do 2 weeks not to failure. The failure week you go heavy and try to get PR's while non failure you focus on more volume (sets) and the pump.
5x5 is a great workout. the version of 5x5 you posted is more of a beginner's workout, but even for an experience lifter doing this for a month or so would be a great change of pace and a good way to shock the body or bust through plateaus. the goal of 5x5 is to increase the weight by around 5 pounds or so each week. so obviously if you start out at your current max you won't be going anywhere. you want to start around 60% of your current 1rm. increase the weight by 5 pounds each week, by the time you get to what your current 1rm is now you will surpass it as long as you're doing everything right, ie. diet and rest. after trying this out for a while i would go back to your old routine if you gained well on it and especialy if you are still making gains on it. why fix what ain't broke?