training on bulking cycle...figured i would post this here...


figured i wouldTraining on a bulking cycle... (post #1)

I train with a bro and we hit chest yesterday...we blew through the following in 45 minutes...granted i am sore as hell and in the secind week of my cycle, begining of second week.....but, should i take some more rest in between and hit some heavier is the chest training we did in correct order and counts...

flat benchstraight bar)

Inclinestraight bar)


Dumbell flyes:

Cable flyes:
1@15@80 each side
1@15@100 each side

I think this is a bit much, but did get a great pump...we did these with maybe a minute between each set and less on some...i have a lot of energy...could also be a bit psycological also due the start of the cycle...i think i am going to drop to heavire weight for 5 reps and finish off with a goo set of 3 after does this sound...


I in no way condone the use of or practice of anabolic steroids...any reference to anabolic steroids is strictly for entertainment purposes and in no way condones the above...


post this here...:
Damn that was 21 fucking sets. I would be wore out. I think if you enjoyed it and you feel it worked for you then stay with it. You know your body better then anyone else. I know it wouldn't work for me, but you know "Different Strokes, for Different Folks"
I don't see any problem with doing that many sets. I do 22 sets for chest when I'm on a cycle. Just make sure you have enough recovery time before you hit your chest again. I do every body part once a week. It all depends on how you respond if you continue to feel sore and are not fully recovered before your next chest day cut back a little.
it depends,on what your goal is,wether its strength,or size,your after,when do you train shoulders,tri's and also what is your max on regular bench,in my opinion,your stopping your own potential by maybe overtraining on doing pretty much the same lift.flat ,decline and incline.
i train chest seperately, then next day it is squats then a day off, then arms and the next day is deads/back and then shoulders seperate a day off and then chest max right now is 435 on flat and I generally try that after all my sets except for this week..i am thinking of going to a 5 sets of 5 or a 3 sets of 5 and bump the weigfht up and do 3 exercises...i am lifting for power, but my body also seems to respond to that with good growth, and for some reason, lean growth, if i eat pretty clean, the proviron is keeping the bloat off and the test should kisk in next week i assume by my research....anyone have any idea on if the 5 by 5 or 3 by 5 will be a good gig...thanks bros...

i've noticed over the years that by training arms heavy,then back was counter productive,exp-when you train back your usin the same muscles-biceps;also the same for chest-your technically training your shoulders+tri's three times a week,if your on not bad,but while your off cyle,you'll have a very good chance at overtraining very fast.cheers to bigger lifts.
here is my training split while off...

Day 1:
chest, shoulders, tris'

Day 2:
Bis', back, deads

Day 3:

Day 4:

Day 5:

Then all over again....but, i cant go heavy on the chest day, to much for go heavy on..this is Lee Labradas split I think...On arm day and then back day the next, i generally dont have a problem with my bis'...i need to work arms seperate on since i am pushin heavy...i dont see me doing the labrada gig, i will go with the 3 by 5 i figure and limit to 3 exercises per body part and stay heavy...sound koser?

