Tren 13 ethyl and Alpha Black Maxx Label by NRG-X Labs???

I've ran 2 cycles with the PH but not the black label stuff. Gained 14 pounds of mass and 30 pounds on the flat bench. Only sides I get are a slight loss of libido (sometimes) and a few acne spots on chest or arms. It's my first and only PH cycle so not sure how it compares to others. I couldnt find and negative either. Check out my thread I posted though. A member says it's the same as the older baned PH so you can research that name and get some info.

Good luck
awesome! thanks for the feedback. i ran regular aas tren so i'm excited to try this stuff out. how long of a cycle did you do and how many pills did you take per day?
It's 90 pills so I took 3 per day spread out which lasted 30 days. I've since lost 5 pounds though during post cycle so i'm not sure the PCT they packaged it with is sufficient.
Oh and just curious, what kind of gains did you see on the real stuff and how many cycles did you do? What sides also if any?
i think you would have seen more gains if you stayed on it for 8 weeks. alot of research indicates that 8 to 10 weeks is optimal for the best gains.On the real stuff stacked with a test I gained 23lbs in 12 weeks. With this I hope to gain 15lbs in 10-12 weeks.
Just to clarify, it was two 4 week cycles spaced out a month apart. Thanks for the other info. I'm contemplating crossing that line in the upcoming months.
thanks bro. i think i will start by taking 2 pills of the tren a day. maybe make it up to 3 depending on the sides. i've read people getting great gains out of a 8 week cycle. like 15-20lbs.