Tren ace pinning ed or eod?

Has anyone tried insulin pins when pinning ed since such a low dose? Except 9er, his low dose tren is with a turkey baster:)
As was stated (and this is the perfect example) everyone is different. In this thread there are a bunch of people I respect and all have different opinions and I think they are all correct, for themselves.
For me EOD has always been great, no issues at all.You might just have to try for yourself and see man. Easy enough, start EOD and if you are having a bit of a rough go, us and downs, switch to daily dosing
Well like stated I think it depends on volume myself, unless there is absolute scientific studies pinning ed or eod then choose whatever suits u best, done both ways and didn't find much difference other then like I said volume, right now pinning 1ml a day tren ace, tried it the other way 2ml eod and it's way to much volume, can't get under 1/2ml before the dreaded cough begins lol, never the less I get the cough pinning 1ml of tren ed but I get it all in before the cough starts :)
tren ace = ED always

otherwise sides get too high, keep the bloodlevels as stable as possible, also pin before sleep
As was stated (and this is the perfect example) everyone is different. In this thread there are a bunch of people I respect and all have different opinions and I think they are all correct, for themselves.
For me EOD has always been great, no issues at all.You might just have to try for yourself and see man. Easy enough, start EOD and if you are having a bit of a rough go, us and downs, switch to daily dosing

Got it, but I actually mean has anyone used insulin pins for injections with tren volumes being so low day to day?
Got it, but I actually mean has anyone used insulin pins for injections with tren volumes being so low day to day?

Yeah mate I have. I pinned it subq ed for a while.. you can also hit your leaner muscles too like traps.. I haven't tried delts yet but I imagine you could put 0.5cc in there pretty easily with a slin pin.

Subq is all you need though really. Just be prepared for a few lumps, they take a few days to disappear.
Yes I figured in the low BF areas such as delts quads traps etc would. E good for slin pins with 50mg or less ed. Just wanted to see who from experience.