Future IFBB Pro
Exactly what i was thinking, maybe just start first 2-3 pins at 35-40mg to see how tren effects me. I have a feeling the sweats will get nasty, i already sweat like a pig loli use a high testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose of Test C 400 mg a week with 100 mg of tren A EOD, id go ed but im happy with EOD, but youre better off doing it EO
yes get extra just because, actually 50 ED sounds perfect at 350 a week you're rocking good with low to no sides except some sweating
add some Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and start caber .5 E3D
Zepplin, you ever pin pecs? super easy, use a slin pin, and it doesn't affect daily life at all. That'd give you 8 diff places.
Never have, but like you said via PM if i heat up im slin pin, I'll try chest