Tren E/Test E Cycle (minimal weight gain)


New member
I'm looking for some decent strength with minimal weight gain (maybe 5lbs at best.)

Would 300-400mg of tren and 150-200mg of test each week (for 10wks) be ok to run? I'm trying to avoid gaining too much weight in the process. I know diet is key, and i plan on keeping the calories down, and do some cardio!

I know some will say my dosage is low, but I'm hoping its still effective. Any thoughts?

FYI: I also want to throw in 30-40mg of Halotestin during the final 4wks of my cycle. (if I can get my hands on this stuff) -
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what about this?

week 1-10 - 400mg Tren-E
week 1-10 - 200mg Test-E
week 7-10 - 40mg ed Halotestin
and of course my post cycle therapy (pct) & liver protection.

OR...what kind of strength gains could i expect if I leave the tren out?
I have never ran tren before so I can't help you in that department. I would probably try something like this.

Week 1-12 - test 500mg per week
Week 4-12 - Anavar 75mg ED

You can keep your weight in check with a solid diet. I know other arm wrestlers who have seen nice strength gains on this type of cycle.
I have never ran tren before so I can't help you in that department. I would probably try something like this.

Week 1-12 - test 500mg per week
Week 4-12 - Anavar 75mg ED

You can keep your weight in check with a solid diet. I know other arm wrestlers who have seen nice strength gains on this type of cycle.

Who are we kidding....armwrestlers dont use juice, right? HAHA.
I love all the juice talk on the armwrestling message many people bash it even though 75% use it!
Anything thoughts on this PCT?

week 1 - Clom @ 50mg - Nolva @ 40mg
week 2 - Clom @ 50mg - Nolva @ 40mg
week 3 - Clom @ 50mg - Nolva @ 20mg
week 4 - Clom @ 50mg - Nolva @ 20mg

And I'll likely run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during my cycle. (I'm gyno prone)
Anything thoughts on this PCT?

week 1 - Clom @ 50mg - Nolva @ 40mg
week 2 - Clom @ 50mg - Nolva @ 40mg
week 3 - Clom @ 50mg - Nolva @ 20mg
week 4 - Clom @ 50mg - Nolva @ 20mg

And I'll likely run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during my cycle. (I'm gyno prone)

I like Clomid at 100mg for the first week, but other than that looks good.
A little confused but I will give it a shot.
run test a week or so longer that tren, have you done tren before ?
drop the nolva.
have caber or prami on hand
if you are a arm wrestler then get some taurine and hydrate alot.
A little confused but I will give it a shot.
run test a week or so longer that tren, have you done tren before ?
drop the nolva.
have caber or prami on hand
if you are a arm wrestler then get some taurine and hydrate alot.

Yes, I've done both Tren-E and Tren-A. (Tren-A twice, and Tren-E three times)
No experience with caber or prami though. I've used letro quite often.
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Please give me your thoughts! (keep in mind I'm shooting for pure strength, not size)

Week 1 Test/200mg - Tren/400mg
Week 2 Test/200mg - Tren/400mg
Week 3 Test/200mg - Tren/400mg
Week 4 Test/200mg - Tren/400mg
Week 5 Test/200mg - Tren/400mg
Week 6 Test/200mg - Tren/400mg
Week 7 Test/300mg - Tren/400mg -Halo/40mg ed
Week 8 Test/300mg - Tren/400mg -Halo/40mg ed
Week 9 Test/300mg - Tren/400mg -Halo/40mg ed
Week 10 Test/300mg -Tren/400mg -Halo/40mg ed
Week 11 Test/200mg
Week 12 Test/200mg
Week 13 Clom/100mg -Nolv/40mg
Week 14 Clom/50mg -Nolv/40mg
Week 15 Clom/50mg -Nolv/40mg
Week 16 Clom/50mg -Nolv/40mg
I like it Randy, you will get minimal weight gain (perhaps 5-8 pounds) and your strength will increase while drastically decreasing bodyfat. I am running similar doses of tren and test and I absolutely Love the results. Anytime a compound makes you stronger and leaner, that is pure BeastMode! I'll be following if you update often enough. Pct looks good, you are ready to rock. Let me know if you find a source for halo, I have a heavy interest in that as well.
I like it Randy, you will get minimal weight gain (perhaps 5-8 pounds) and your strength will increase while drastically decreasing bodyfat. I am running similar doses of tren and test and I absolutely Love the results. Anytime a compound makes you stronger and leaner, that is pure BeastMode! I'll be following if you update often enough. Pct looks good, you are ready to rock. Let me know if you find a source for halo, I have a heavy interest in that as well.

Thanks Bro! I'll keep some results posted. I think by week 10, i'll be in serious "beast mode!!!" My halo I found from a local source, supposedly 15mg tabs from China. I trust this guy and he said it's pure!

The only thing i haven't figured out yet, is what i should run during my cycle to prevent gyno flare. I still feel sensitivity to this day, and I haven't been on anything for about 2yrs. I have some Letro, and I was thinking about running a small dose each day. I was hoping someone could give some feedback on this! I heard caber or arimidex is good, but I'd have to get some. I have the letro on hand so i was hoping to use that.
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I used Letro early on in my cycle when I had my test dose at 400 mg's. It works extremely well at blocking any estrogen conversion. I haven't needed caber or prami though I do have some on hand. I have found that bulk Vitamin B-6 has done the trick limiting any prolactin concerns.
I'm running 450mg of tren ace right now with 200mg of test. Should be nice. If your going 10wks I would go for ace/prop for 8. I think 10wks for an enth ester is pretty short. As long as you don't mind pinning eod. You shouldn't need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) with that dose of test, I run a very small amount of adex. You could run provirion 50mg a day. Caber .5mg twice a week for prolactin.
I am running Tren 200 mgs e and cyp e 250mgs. I pin twice per week. just started my 3rd week of tren e today. i have seen no DRASTIC power. When will i begin increases in what i lift? I dont have bad side effects either. Bad temper, but not uncontrollable and some crazy dreams-any good pointers? Should i increase my dosage?
I'm running 450mg of tren ace right now with 200mg of test. Should be nice. If your going 10wks I would go for ace/prop for 8. I think 10wks for an enth ester is pretty short. As long as you don't mind pinning eod. You shouldn't need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) with that dose of test, I run a very small amount of adex. You could run provirion 50mg a day. Caber .5mg twice a week for prolactin.

Yeah this seems similar to my dosage!

Isn't the caber close to the same as letro (just not as "harsh"?) same goes for adex?
Dudes i am doing the 400 TRen E and 500 TEST Cype. AWESOME workout!! my strength and endurance through the Roof!! My work outs are 3 days on one day off. Dont know if i should incorporate cardio with this??
Yeah this seems similar to my dosage!

Isn't the caber close to the same as letro (just not as "harsh"?) same goes for adex?

Caber is different, its not an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), its a prolactin inhibitor. It helps to keep prolactin under control when on tren or deca. Adex or letro are used to control estrogen from aromatizing androgens such as test. I get no negative sides with caber at all.
Your gonna want to run your test higher hands down. 200mg is not gonna do anything but give you a hard-on. Go ATLEAST 350mg of test and 4-450 tren.