Tren E, Test E, Mast E cycle.. considering eq? need advice on anavar anadrol or dbol


New member
im considering a 12 week cycle of tren e test e mast e and am fearing sides of tren e as i have already broken out bad acne on my back from tnt two months ago.. still hasnt cleared up even on off cycle of 8 weeks. i have eq on hand as well as anavar anadrol and dbol, would eq be good to add instead of tren e if i take 50 mg anavar daily? any use for anadorl or dbol in this cycle? rookie lookin for advice..
Whats your cycle history like? If your going to run tren for your first time run tren a its shorter ester leaves your system faster in case of any bad sides.
ive only done a few cycles before, deca and eq blend 500 mg/week for about 10 weeks last year with andriol orals at 40mg a day. and aimlessly used some test e, sustanon and tnt quite a few months ago.. really lookin for advice on doses etc.. I have test e, eq, deca, Sustanon (sust), tren e and mast e on hand as well as anadrol anavar and dbol orals.. Dont want to go into another cycle blind. im 5'11" about 188lb nows. i would like to get to 200. Just heard good things about test tren mast cycle and am interested. I have arimidex and nolvadex on hand also.
ive only done a few cycles before, deca and eq blend 500 mg/week for about 10 weeks last year with andriol orals at 40mg a day. and aimlessly used some test e, sustanon and tnt quite a few months ago.. really lookin for advice on doses etc.. I have test e, eq, deca, Sustanon (sust), tren e and mast e on hand as well as anadrol anavar and dbol orals.. Dont want to go into another cycle blind. im 5'11" about 188lb nows. i would like to get to 200. Just heard good things about test tren mast cycle and am interested. I have arimidex and nolvadex on hand also.

Ive been interested in the same stack before too. Definitely use a shorter ester like tren A if u have never used it before. Like Beefcake727, its easier to monitor the sides and stop if need be or adjust dosage. Maybe just a simple test e, deca or EQ, and some anadrol or the dbol. Still relatively new to gear so add them and watch for bad sides to see what works for u.
thanks for the input man, should i run equal amounts of tren a, test and mast e? been reading up and some say to run tren first with lower amount of test.. but also have read to run high test for first 8 - 10 weeks with mast and kick the tren in around week six.. tryin to research here i realize i don't know fuck all lol..
I wouldn't put in 2 or more compounds at the same time that u have never used before. I know it sounds great but u dont know how YOUR body will react vs someome else. Start with 500-600mgs of a long estered test for 12 wks.
If yur hell bent on trying that stack, I'd try the mast first around 300-500mgs wk. Then add in the tren A slowly at like 50-75mgs EOD.
The only goal u mentioned was to gain 12 pounds. Im sure u could do that with prolly test alone tho
thanks alot i appreciate the advice.. yeah i will try with just the test here i think possiblyt the mast but will definetly hold off on tren for the time being. yeah ive stayed super lean through even my deca cycle before with andriol so not worried about it just the mass i want to add. thanks again
thanks alot i appreciate the advice.. yeah i will try with just the test here i think possiblyt the mast but will definetly hold off on tren for the time being. yeah ive stayed super lean through even my deca cycle before with andriol so not worried about it just the mass i want to add. thanks again
No problem bro, yur welcome.
If its just the mass u r looking for, u might not need more than those A50s and test. Hell the EQ too since u have it. That would be a bulk cycle for sure.
whats your toughts on off cycle? i have had a tiny gyno issue with the deca but got rid of it with nolvadex last year. i was planning on running .25mg of arimidex ed while on cycle and throwing 25 mg nolvadex eod if any signs of gyno develop. should i be running aromasin or clomid for actual pct? or just continue with arim and nolva
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whats your toughts on off cycle? i have had a tiny gyno issue with the deca but got rid of it with nolvadex last year. i was planning on running .25mg of arimidex ed while on cycle and throwing 25 mg nolvadex eod if any signs of gyno develop. should i be running aromasin or clomid for actual post cycle therapy (pct)? or just continue with arim and nolva

Id start at .25mgs EOD on the arimidex while on cycle. Not sure about running the nolva concurrent with the arimidex tho. Might wait for someone else on that but u don't want to crash your estrogen levels with too much.
Ive seen aromasin in the post cycle therapy (pct) before as well as HCG, nolva, and vitamin E. Theres a few different methods but the tried and true nolva and clomid has worked for many.