Tren ED or EOD


New member
This will be my first it on Tren , so I really dont want to over do it. I like to increase the dosages from cycle to the next so my body doenst get use to it. So I was thinking on maybe running Tren/Prop EOD for about 8wks. I figure maybe I could do 1 1/2 cc EOD, The dosage of my Tren/Prop combo is 100mg Prop/ 75mg fina. So I would be doing 150mg Prop and 112.50mg Tren EOD. Next time I use it I will do ED injections.

Thanks Micro
IMO, eod is fine with Fina. I have used both methods, ed and eod and I never really noticed a difference in gains. Ever since trying both methods, I have actually stuck with eod because it really does become a pain to inject ed. At least for me that is.
Thanks Biggie , Thats what I'm probably going to got with. Alot of threads that I've read about this, people said they really didnt notice a big difference with ED or EOD.
I agree with Biggie. I have tried it both ways, and I did not notice any difference in gains. I remember seeing a chart that compared the blood levels resulting from ED vs EOD injections, and the ED curve was much smoother, but that does not seem to translate into better gains.
I also agree with Biggie, I have tried it both ways, it dosen't make a difference. Run prop,winny & fina awasome. my favorite cycle
your new at this, trust me u want to keep the amount of injections to a min. as u will develop scar tissue i wont stick myself unless i am putting 2 cc's in at a time be it 1cc fina and 1cc test or deca or whatever. always nice to have a girlfriend whos willing to inject. i would put in 1.5cc's EOD if i were u.
It has a 3 day half life, and everyone that uses prop seems to be fine with EOD, so I dont see the argument for ED.
thepeg said:
your new at this, trust me u want to keep the amount of injections to a min. as u will develop scar tissue i wont stick myself unless i am putting 2 cc's in at a time be it 1cc fina and 1cc test or deca or whatever. always nice to have a girlfriend whos willing to inject. i would put in 1.5cc's EOD if i were u.

Well accually I juiced for 10yrs and took the last 3 off. My last cycle was in January , I did 40mg dbol ed , 500mg ICN's, and 400mg Deca and then some anadrol and 2wks of suspension. I gained 24lbs , I had to stop the suspension because it was spectro's oilbase and the shit hurt like hell, never felt any thing like that before, and trust me I've done my fair share of Steris Water Base suspension back in the day, and I never got anypain from that. Specto's oilbase was the first gear that ever hurt me that bad. This is just the first time I'm using Tren. I just didnt want to over do it. I've done everyday injects before but that was when I already had expirence with that gear, meaning steris suspension. Maybe it's just me but I think it's better to start out with alower dosage so that the next time my body will still react to the same gear better when I increase the dosage. Just like when some people do 500mg test and then next cycle they do 750mg.

Thanks for the replies