Tren or more cyp


New member
I've been considering adding onto the 200 mg of test cyp a week, and the HCG I'm on, but can't decide between 50 mg of tren ace ED or upping my cyp up to 500 mg a week to see what happens. If I go with the tren I risk the side effects and possibly calling everything off, but if I go with the cyp I need to adjust my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dose and I'm not sure if that would be bad for me. Either way, if I go with the cyp how long should I run it, and would 500 be enough to see anything more?

Go up to 500 and keep the teen the same. There is no reason to bump up the Tren. That is plenty for what it needs to do. At 500 T and the Tren its all about how you feed it and your training from that point.. If you have any questions feel free to hit back.

Go up to 500 and keep the teen the same. There is no reason to bump up the Tren. That is plenty for what it needs to do. At 500 T and the Tren its all about how you feed it and your training from that point.. If you have any questions feel free to hit back.


I was either going to do one or the other, lol. You're suggesting I go ahead and run both? Wouldn't just bumping to 500 mg yield results?
If ur looking to grow a good ammount and aren't just using for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) I would suggest a ba re minimum of 500mg test for 12-14 weeks. And yes it will yeild better results than the 200 mg. There is a sticky comparing 300mg of test vs. 600mg and there was a pretty big difference
If your concerned with Tren A sides, its out of your system by 4 days so you have a relatively easy time if you want to "try" it out
I don't know if I want to run the tren for two months, and if I wanted gains I'd probably have to. Is there anything oral with low sides that could give me some decent gains?
I'm 5'9 185 lbs and about 7-9% bf
I'm looking to gain some weight

I'm not looking to go strictly oral (bad idea) but I'd bump the cyp to 500 and add something else if anything.
orals will give u good strength gains but ur not going to keep a whole lot of the mass gained from the
. Test/deca is always a good combo for Mass gain IMO.
If your concerned with Tren A sides, its out of your system by 4 days so you have a relatively easy time if you want to "try" it out

This. You'll know within a week whether you like tren or not and you can bail if you don't.

But as you said, if you're not going to run it for 8+ weeks, I'm not sure why you're considering tren.
This. You'll know within a week whether you like tren or not and you can bail if you don't.

But as you said, if you're not going to run it for 8+ weeks, I'm not sure why you're considering tren.

Okay, let me put it this way. What's the best steroid for gaining, and then keeping mass. My guess is its between deca and tren?
I've done some research and 3 weeks of tren would cost me about 40 bucks, so if I wanted to go 8 weeks I'm looking at about $120, and that's reasonable for me. I could do 8 weeks of tren, but would I keep the gains with the proper diet? Also, post cycle therapy (pct) isn't a factor, right? Considering I'm on 200 mg of cyp for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and 500 IU of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) a week, will that be enough to hold gains? My testosterone levels on my current testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) plan are around 1,700 ng/dL. I'm thinking that would be high enough to hold gains after?

Thanks guys.
Okay, let me put it this way. What's the best steroid for gaining, and then keeping mass. My guess is its between deca and tren?
I've done some research and 3 weeks of tren would cost me about 40 bucks, so if I wanted to go 8 weeks I'm looking at about $120, and that's reasonable for me. I could do 8 weeks of tren, but would I keep the gains with the proper diet? Also, post cycle therapy (pct) isn't a factor, right? Considering I'm on 200 mg of cyp for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and 500 IU of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) a week, will that be enough to hold gains? My testosterone levels on my current testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) plan are around 1,700 ng/dL. I'm thinking that would be high enough to hold gains after?

To be honest, I'm a total whore for tren, so I am biased. But nothing beats tren for mass. Keeping it? I don't lose gains, but I also don't come off. Since you're on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), I think if you bump up to a mild dose of tren and really hit the training hard, and keep training when you come off the tren (because, hey, even I have to come off tren some times)

1700ng/dl is like double what most people have. If you can't keep (and continue to make) gains at that level, something else is wrong.

Anyways, if you're up for ed or eod pinning, 8-12 weeks is great with tren ace.

post cycle therapy (pct)? Well, I am kind of confused why you're taking Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). But generally, no, you don't have a "normal post cycle therapy (pct)" when you come down from a "blast" to a normal testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose.

This whole thread is kind of confusing.
To be honest, I'm a total whore for tren, so I am biased. But nothing beats tren for mass. Keeping it? I don't lose gains, but I also don't come off. Since you're on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), I think if you bump up to a mild dose of tren and really hit the training hard, and keep training when you come off the tren (because, hey, even I have to come off tren some times)

1700ng/dl is like double what most people have. If you can't keep (and continue to make) gains at that level, something else is wrong.

Anyways, if you're up for ed or eod pinning, 8-12 weeks is great with tren ace.

PCT? Well, I am kind of confused why you're taking Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). But generally, no, you don't have a "normal PCT" when you come down from a "blast" to a normal testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose.

This whole thread is kind of confusing.

Okay, a couple of things lol.
1.) You run tren essentially year-round and don't experience any problems? I feel like continuous tren would be hard on the AR.

2.) Isn't it possible to plateau at 200 mg. I mean, there's guy's who have testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) plan's of 400 mg a week and they claim its not enough, so isn't it possible I just plateaued for where I'm at?

Lets say I go ahead and start 50 mg of tren ed/eod, do I need to bump the test up above 200 mg/week?
1.) You run tren essentially year-round and don't experience any problems? I feel like continuous tren would be hard on the AR.

sorry, this was worded poorly. i don't come off test. i do come off tren.

2.) Isn't it possible to plateau at 200 mg. I mean, there's guy's who have testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) plan's of 400 mg a week and they claim its not enough, so isn't it possible I just plateaued for where I'm at?

i've never done 200 a week. i'm pretty sure i wouldn't even notice that.

Lets say I go ahead and start 50 mg of tren ed/eod, do I need to bump the test up above 200 mg/week?

i don't have an answer for you here. i personally run test higher than tren. seems a lot of bros here run tren higher than test. everyone says they do it to avoid tren sides. you really need to find what works for you. hence, shorter esters, like ace.
sorry, this was worded poorly. i don't come off test. i do come off tren.
How much test year round?

i've never done 200 a week. i'm pretty sure i wouldn't even notice that.

So then why did you say something else is wrong if I'm not gaining on 200 mg a week if you yourself said you doubt you'd even feel it. I'm not exactly what you'd call scrawny, so it could be possible I've plateaued at 200 mg a week?

i don't have an answer for you here. i personally run test higher than tren. seems a lot of bros here run tren higher than test. everyone says they do it to avoid tren sides. you really need to find what works for you. hence, shorter esters, like ace.

I'm going to throw tren out as an option this cycle, maybe sometime in the future. Its between just bumping up the cyp to 500 mg a week or adding some deca.
I think this is the best option.

Which one? Lol, bumping up the test or adding the deca. Both? I'm really curious as to what would result in more gains, and which would allow me to keep more. How much test do you run year-round?
Thanks for the help too.
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Which one? Lol, bumping up the test or adding the deca. Both? I'm really curious as to what would result in more gains, and which would allow me to keep more. How much test do you run year-round?
Thanks for the help too.

I don't run deca, so I can't help there. Bumping up test to 500 is a good start for what you want to do. Train hard and eat well while you're on it and your next cycle can be a little more aggressive.

Keeping gains is really up to you. Since you're going to come down to a cruise dose, you have less chance of losing it, but if you do silly shit like endless cardio, you're not going to keep it.

How much test do I run year-round? Jeez. A lot. I'd rather not just come out and say "oh i run two grams a week" (I don't) for fear newbs will decide it's a good idea.
I don't run deca, so I can't help there. Bumping up test to 500 is a good start for what you want to do. Train hard and eat well while you're on it and your next cycle can be a little more aggressive.

Keeping gains is really up to you. Since you're going to come down to a cruise dose, you have less chance of losing it, but if you do silly shit like endless cardio, you're not going to keep it.

How much test do I run year-round? Jeez. A lot. I'd rather not just come out and say "oh i run two grams a week" (I don't) for fear newbs will decide it's a good idea.

Alright, that pretty much took care of everything. Thanks
If I'm on cyp right now, does it matter if I add 300 mg of test e a week or will it take that much longer to achieve stable levels? Can I mix the cyp in the syringe with the test e and be okay?