Tren/Prop 75/100mg/ml??


I am interested in making a tren prop combo at 75/100mg/ml concentration. I have a boatload of prop powder and ill be using the pellets for the tren. Any links/tips/advice to help me do this conversion successfully would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

make them seperate but make the tren at 150mg/ml and the prop at 200mg/ml. then add them together. just make sure that you make equal amopunts of each. ie 50ml each for a total volume of 100ml of tren75/prop100.
i think i asked this same question once and they told me that you can not from the pellets and prop powder but my memory might be wrong.
pullinbig said:
make them seperate but make the tren at 150mg/ml and the prop at 200mg/ml. then add them together. just make sure that you make equal amopunts of each. ie 50ml each for a total volume of 100ml of tren75/prop100.

Ah right. I feel dumb as hell for not figuring that one out myself. Thanks bro! :D
One other question. what % of BA and BB do you suggest i start at for the prop to hold at 200mg/ml. Also, in the past ive only used kits for making the fina, can i use ba and bb for solvents at a certain %? or should i just use a kit. Ive used animal's kits and it worked well. Thanks again.

animals kits work great for tren pellets. you can try 5% ba and 10% bb for the prop and see if it holds if not add another 5% bb. that should do it. it may hold with less than 5%ba and 10% bb. seems like deadlift said he went 3%ba and 7%bb on his prop. but 5 and 10 wont effect the pain factor.
Ok im going to try with the minimum amount first and see if it holds, ill add from there. Thanks again bro, youre a big help.

Damn, one other question comes to mind. Lets say i make it at 3%ba and 7% bb, and it crashes. I want to add more ba and bb, wouldnt i have to remove the corresponding amount of oil to keep the concentration the same?

NYCEE said:
Damn, one other question comes to mind. Lets say i make it at 3%ba and 7% bb, and it crashes. I want to add more ba and bb, wouldnt i have to remove the corresponding amount of oil to keep the concentration the same?

3/7 worked for me...but not at first. It would crystalize in a few days until I reheated and let cool really slow. I dont know what that did different but its held for a month now.
DougoeFre5h said:
3/7 worked for me...but not at first. It would crystalize in a few days until I reheated and let cool really slow. I dont know what that did different but its held for a month now.

Thanks bro. I might try Dazeds solvent/oil mixture for the prop see how it turns out. I amsensitive to gear and i heard with Dazed's it's painless to sensitive people as well. Thanks for the help, i may try the 3/7 in the future.

I have decided i am going to use powder instead of the pellets. So i will make the tren at 150mg/ml, and mix it with the prop which i am having a lot of trouble getting to hold at 200mg/ml with dazed's solution.
