First cycle ever Tren 100mg Test Cyp 300mg and Clen .02 mg


New member
Hi my name is Enrique I'm 41yrs, 5' 10" about 18% body fat and 189lbs. Im not new to working out, or nutrition, only the anabolic world. I recently got my hands on some anabolics: tren 100mg, test cyp 300mg and clen .02mg. Now the person that I got them from told me to do 1cc (100 mg) of tren a week, and 1cc (300mg) of test cyp a week as well, and 2 pills of the clen (.02mg) mon, tues, wed 1pill (.02mg) thur, fri 2 pills (.02mg), after doing some reading it seems to be a waste and that it will only go down the drain if done this way, i guess that's not enough, I've seen where 300mg of tren a week and 400mg of test cyp, and gradually bring the dose up of the clen from 20mcg the first week to 40mcg the second and so forth, I have done only 1cc of the tren (100mg) and this past Monday 1cc of the test cyp (300mg) 2 pills on mon and tues of the clen (.02mg) I just want the right info on to how to administer the injections if anybody could give an advice it would be greatly appreciated, thanks again for the help and in the meanwhile I'll try to get more knowledge on the subject.