Tren question


New member
Hello everyone

- i just joined this forum and have few questions about trenbolone, i m currently using tst 250mg/week(i know many of you will think its low tst dose but this stack with lower tst and slightly higher tren dose is whats works best for me) + 350mg(tren blend) - but the funny thing is that i dont know which ester does it contain ( the product is Trenbol 200mg/ml by European Pharmaceuticals) only thing i know is that contains more then one ester ... have anyone tried this product and what are your opinions for example on tri -trenabol(3 esters as u all know) from BD lab.- isnt that difficult to keep blood levels in normal when using these blends and last quest. would be whats best tst. ester to run with tren, i heard its best with prop. but would be mistake run it for example with cypionate for a longer period of time ?? Thank you for your opininons and help - this is my 3rd cycle first was 30 mg dbol + 500 sust. then these cycles of tren+tst btw i react to tren. very well no sides at all so for me it probably wasnt mistake run tren. so ,,early,,

5´11 220 clearly visible abs
Crooger Boy Ive always kept my esters the same short esters with short esters such as tren ace i would run with tst prop and mast prop, if i were running tren e i would run test e, these are long esters, that said if this is your first time using tren i would run tren ace and test prop reason being if you cant tolarate the side from tren ace it will be out of your system in 3 days, tren e would be 2 weeks