Tren/test p/equipose +clen-t3


National Champion
greetings everyone!

GEAR : 12 week cycle
TREN -280MG weekly .w:1-8
TEST P- 500 MG weekly .w:1-12
EQUIPOSE - 350 mg weekly .w:1-11
injections EOD combined in 1 syringe
clen 3 weeks on 1 week off .8 weeks . not sure which weeks
T3 6 weeks pyramid. not sure which weeks
prone to gyno so proviron and nolva all along
hcg pregnyl 1500 every 2 weeks

SUPPORT:LIV52, SPEMAN , SALOSPIR,FISH OIL,Pure arginine supplement

PCT:4 pregnyl 1500 injections split ,every 4 days after cycle's end,+ 2 weeks nolva

STATS:6.25". 223 lbs .BF %12

GOAL:250LBS ,BF % 8,Veiny and hardy look(hey , why bother with less results if you are born winner)
DIET:5-6K C/D ,relatively clean diet
TRAINING 5 days a week.will bust my a$# off
will be my 3rd cycle.

WHAT RESULTS SHOULD I EXPECT?- please advice and correct any mistakes.thanks!
cant afford aridex too expensive mate... i think ill go with nolva for $$ reasons..
what about clen-t3 timing , what about results ?
cant afford aridex too expensive mate... i think ill go with nolva for $$ reasons..
what about clen-t3 timing , what about results ?

You're joking right? You spent all that money on gear and have no AI? Sell whatever you have to and get arimidex or aromasin, Nolva is not the same thing and does something very different. Proviron doesn't even do the same thing. The clen timing Isnt recommended.
I'm on week 7 of a cycle almost exactly the same (Test P, Tren A, Clen + t3) Even the Test and Tren doses are about identical. Only difference is, I don't have the EQ. Instead I've been finishing up with Halotestin. T3 + Clen I am running 6wks. T3 pyramid, and Clen every other week.

I'm 5'9" and started out 194 about 11-12% bf. In my case, I'm about 7lbs lighter, leaner, and much stronger (about 8-9%bf if I had to guess.)

You should love the cycle bro. But like they said....GET SOME A.I. Better to be safe than sorry! Plus it well help keep off some water.
cant afford aridex too expensive mate... i think ill go with nolva for $$ reasons..
what about clen-t3 timing , what about results ?

You should wait to start the cycle till you save up a little bit of money and get some adex. It's very beneficial and it shouldn't take you lon gto come up with the money for it, it's relatively cheap.
1 )in general lines you are all suggesting that i add arimdex to the cycle.what about dosage and when should i use it best?
2 )225lbs -12%bf > im hard worker ,gym addict, calorie intake will be 4-5300 daily ,and strict with no trash food. what should i expect of this cycle? LBS? BF?
3 )Does this combination provide solid results?
4 ) should i expect significant erection weakness? i have never done Tren before , dont know what to expect of it
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Most people will recommend adex at .5mg EOD or Every 3 days. Even though our cycles are similar , your calorie intake is much higher. You will notice more of a physical body change rather than weight change in my opinion (Especially since you will be on T3/Clen) You may add 5-10lbs, and decrease a few pts in BF.

This combo will provide solids results (DEPENDING on your goals of course)

Some will also say for a 3rd cycle, they would hold off on using tren. Tren is serious, and effects everyone differently. You may experience some crazy side, then again maybe nothing at all. Don't plan on going for a jog get winded FAST!! I know you don't wanna hear this but with tren, i always keep Caber or Prami on hand for pro-lactin sides. But that requires more $$$$.

Sex drive should still be there. If you feel any issues, then maybe up the Test a bit, and lower Tren.
I would keep adex at .25mg eod and increase if you have sides. Since you're running tren you most likely will not need the clen and t3 but if you do decide to run it, I would run it towards the end of the cycle.
Most people will recommend adex at .5mg EOD or Every 3 days. Even though our cycles are similar , your calorie intake is much higher. You will notice more of a physical body change rather than weight change in my opinion (Especially since you will be on T3/Clen) You may add 5-10lbs, and decrease a few pts in BF.

This combo will provide solids results (DEPENDING on your goals of course)

Some will also say for a 3rd cycle, they would hold off on using tren. Tren is serious, and effects everyone differently. You may experience some crazy side, then again maybe nothing at all. Don't plan on going for a jog get winded FAST!! I know you don't wanna hear this but with tren, i always keep Caber or Prami on hand for pro-lactin sides. But that requires more $$$$.

Sex drive should still be there. If you feel any issues, then maybe up the Test a bit, and lower Tren.

I had high prolactin levels 1 week ago ,now its quite better.. i also have a mild gyno and using nolva at 20mg ED,might upper the dose. when prolactin and gyno are settled i will start the cycle. but yes prolactin and gyno, im prone. i really want to invest much effort in this cycle , i want the best outcome of it, thats why i chose tren ,t3 and clen. i feel like shedding serious fat while building very solid persistent muscle , plus aint bad being in a hard veiny state during the winter ... your reply was very helpful :) when would you think its best to use t3 and clen?
I would keep adex at .25mg eod and increase if you have sides. Since you're running tren you most likely will not need the clen and t3 but if you do decide to run it, I would run it towards the end of the cycle.

one more suggesting armdex ! : ) .so youd think tren clen t3 will be enough to shed some slabs of fat real bad?
I had high prolactin levels 1 week ago ,now its quite better.. i also have a mild gyno and using nolva at 20mg ED,might upper the dose. when prolactin and gyno are settled i will start the cycle. but yes prolactin and gyno, im prone. i really want to invest much effort in this cycle , i want the best outcome of it, thats why i chose tren ,t3 and clen. i feel like shedding serious fat while building very solid persistent muscle , plus aint bad being in a hard veiny state during the winter ... your reply was very helpful :) when would you think its best to use t3 and clen?

I have existing gyno, and super prone myself. What I do if I run tren, is keep Rolaxifene on hand (not nolva) - You can acutally run rolax with tren. Never run nolva while on tren though....gyno can get WAY worse.

Like it was said earlier, I'd run the clen/t3 at end of cycle. Just be careful with that t3, it will eat fat , but also some of your muscle. But if you are going for looks over strength, it shouldn't matter.

Have you ran clen/t3 before?
one more suggesting armdex ! : ) .so youd think tren clen t3 will be enough to shed some slabs of fat real bad?

Yes and I read your post about using the nolva during cycle, don't. Use raloxifene for the gyno the nolva with the tren won't help and will cause rebound.
ive only run Clen alone in the past ,never tried t3.. i will research on raloxifene then , i hope its not expensive. about the goal, yeah since i will be burning off so much fat i think ill hardly manage to get 3kgs, and drop 3-4 bf%.. ! i hope for the best though