Trenbolone Enanthate in my Fourth Cycle


New member
So I'm in 7 weeks deep on my cycle, with some testosterone @ 500mg/wk, equipoise at 600mg/week, masteron @ 400mg/week, and I front loaded 5 weeks with 50mg/day dianabol... Now week 8 starts tomorrow and I am supposed to add trenbolone enanthate to my cycle for 5 weeks... except I've never tried tren before and am very worried about sides (as I should be)

I think I'm going to start at 80mg/week (yes per week)just to see how I respond to it. I don't want to get into 200mg/week until I know for sure I can handle the sides.

Will I see any sides at 80mg/week, and will I see the tren have any effect at that low a dose? Just curious as I know it is VERY potent. I would rather run at 80mg/week for 5 weeks and up it every cycle if I appreciate the benefits enough over the sides but no need to rush into massive doses which could complicate my life in other aspects overnight ... thoughts?
I've decided to not take the tren this time around, and I'll get some acetate and try it out next time and start low... Here's my cycle though for those interested ...
you'll start to feel it around week 4-5... 80mg/week i dont think youll notice much side effect wise.. its really really low dose. you should consider getting some tren A instead and run it 5 weeks.. 300mg/week is a good starting dose, side effect wont be out of this world, and tren A is quickly out of blood if problem appears
At that dose of tren e for only 5 weeks is pretty much useless. Agree if you go w/ tren, go w/tren a.