Tribulus for women


New member
I'm planning on running a few wks with Tribulus to see how it helps my strength. But I'm needing some help figuring out a proper dosage for myself.
Any suggestions on how many mg's per day?
5'3", 130lbs female
Thanks! It looks like the one that I bought is 1000mg per pill.
don't think that will work for me

Its going to be a pain in the ass to get 100mg out of 1000mg caps. You might be better off buying some some lower dosed caps.

If you wanted to use these you could mix it in say for example 10ml of water, then take 1ml which should be equal to 100mg.
Its going to be a pain in the ass to get 100mg out of 1000mg caps. You might be better off buying some some lower dosed caps.

If you wanted to use these you could mix it in say for example 10ml of water, then take 1ml which should be equal to 100mg.

Thats what I would do. I learned this when my first Anavar cycle came in 50mg capsules. It works, but youre right its a pain in the ass. Especially just for some Tribulus.

Or you can just shell out another $10 and get a lower dose.
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I never really knew Tribulus could increase womens test levels..... Great to know :)
Adverse side effects of doing so?
I never really knew Tribulus could increase womens test levels..... Great to know :)
Adverse side effects of doing so?

The dose I used (100mg/3x daily) seemed to help my recovery time and sex drive with no negative side effects.
Not enough to keep taking it, I already take enough pills, so I quit. The male dose is 1,000mg 3xdaily. I guess I could have increase it a little bit, but instead I chose to run AAS.
Thats what I would do. I learned this when my first Anavar cycle came in 50mg capsules. It works, but youre right its a pain in the ass. Especially just for some Tribulus.

Or you can just shell out another $10 and get a lower dose.

I agree, it will probably be easier just to buy a lower dosed product.
I have studied the female anatomy and physiology quite well, and if you are looking to boost testosterone DHEA, mucana pruriens and aromatase inhibitor are the way to go for you gals. Tribulus would be a waste of investment just as DAA which has proven to be ineffective on women.