tricep injuries


New member
OK so iv been lifting seriously for around 5 months making steady gains and suddenly broken through a plateau and my strength is way up with out the use of anabolics which is great!

what isn't so great is that for the last 2 months iv been getting an intense pain in my left triceps near where it meets the delt during the last quarter of bench presses and dips which is really holding me back as i know i can push much heavier weight than my arm is letting me.

has anybody else had this problem? anyone got any tips? anything can do/take to treat the tricep or exercises i can still do whilst resting it

Id recomend taking a break. If u further injure yourself you may not be able to lift anywhere near how you wish you could. Rest. And if u cant at least take time away from dips and do more concentration exercises. Maybe tri extension or kickback. Ipersonally think kickbacks are a waste.