triptorelin question


New member
Can triptorelin be used to maximize LH and FSH output which are already in normal range? For example, if one has LH-FSH levels just above the minimum level they should be, would it be beneficial to pin triptorelin?
Why would you want to increase normal levels?

Trip should be used sparingly or it can chemically castrate you.

I have considered 50mcg during a cycle just to increase both similar to how Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) would work but I'm not sure that 50mcg will do anything and not sure if it will be beneficial at all. I really like the concept of trip but from most of the blood work I've seen, it hasn't been overly impressive.

I used mine after my post cycle therapy (pct) just to get an increase at the end and to force production if it didnt happen from SERM use. I'm not sure how effective it was, I felt good for a couple weeks after it but I'm assuming all the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and serm prior to was enough anyway.