Trt and test tren cycle, should I continue TRT while cycling


New member
Should I continue my TRT while doing my test tren cycle?
Or is the test I am doing in cycle enough?
I do TRT 200 mg every two weeks (injectable )
I am doing tren e 200 and test e 200 2x week
irrelevant, but wow you pin your TRT dose every 2 weeks? once a week is like the maximum time between injections.

anyway, when i use tren i always stay at a TRT dose of test, maybe even higher. my body responds really well to tren (i think everyone does haha) but if you are on a decent amount of tren there is really no reason to raise your test. tren is amazingly powerful as it is
Just go back to your TRT protocol when your cycle is over. Although you should seriously reconsider that protocol. Are you familiar with how Half Lifes work?