TRT dose Test and Tren! Aromasin.


New member
This is my 8th time running.

I ve done high test low test big tren little tren.

Anyway. Last time I finished my cycle with 8 weeks tren at 250mg week and it really brought out the definition, hardess and vasularity.

Once I added the tren it was almost as if my estrogen plummeted.

I never had blood work to confirm this, but I have in the past and this definitely felt like my estrogen was DEAD.

Now onto summmer, I am ready to begin a 12 week run.

I want to run a TRT dose of around 80-100 mg a week Test p and around 250mg tren a.

Im gonna pin ED but i was wondering. Will I need Aromasin at this low of a dose of Test?

I know lots of people are gong to say I wont see results from 250mg a week but they are wrong.

Ive had great results with trens hardening effects at low doses and I have zero side effects.

It does great for me at that dose. Im not a professional body builder and I dont compete.

I love how with a little dieting, and 8-12 weeks of low dose test and tren, I can get a great summer physique.

With this dose will I need an anti E? I got plenty of pharm grade Caber on hand and will use it at .25 mg E3D. beginning week 3.

any opinions?
i see on problems at all running 100 mg a week of test with 250 mg a week of tren . and you probably won't need an AI . just get mid cycle bloods and see where you are at and adjust from there (check estrogen AND prolactin). have an AI and a DA on hand though.
no need to run high dosages and combat sides all the time if you can get great results out of a lower dose.
Great this is what I hoped to hear. I always get bloods mid way and after PCT. And I keep plenty of whatever I may need on hand.

Thanks for the quick reply

One quick question about T3.

I never used it before.

Would you recommend for cutting on this cycle and at what dose if so?

Ive never had prolactin checked but def had tren dick before and the caber fixed that quick (thank god)

what is the prolactin called on the hormone panel?
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