TRT dose with herniated disc and then start cycle?


New member
Think it would be acceptable to run a 250MG test 4 weeks then 12 week cycle - currently have herniated disc in my back pretty bad but It has gotten a little better, get adjusted by the chiro x4 a week. I miss the gym more then anything. I would mainly be looking to gain lean mass on cycle and shred up. With that being said, I'll follow a high rep low weight routine throughout it to protect my back and build it up properly

So any opinions on this? I just ended at 6 weeks on my last cycle two or three months ago because of my back but since then it has slightly improved.
1) 250/wk is not a TRT dose

2) if, like myself, you do have a truly herniated disk then you need stretching, physical therapy and light core work. Ease back into it and allow it to heal

3) any cycle is going to bump your intensity and strength just when you need neither.

You need caution, healing time and more caution! Patience Grasshopper
A truly herniated disc doesn't heal. It just kinda dries up and the inflammation goes away if you are lucky.

I've herniated 2 of them now. It sucks and they both took about a year before I could lift regularly. Lifting seems like it helps more than anything though. A strong core is your friend when you have a compromised spine. Last time I was pretty much crippled but an epidural injection into my spine knocked the pain out and it's been 2 years or so now, still doing okay as long as I get in the squat rack once a week or so. I know that's the opposite of what most will tell you but it works for me. So does 250mg/week TRT dose. YMMV.
I'll second the notion about a strong core and keeping up the heavy lifting. If you have a bulge that's pressing on a nerve this would aggravate it, but for pretty much anything else it will help.

The very worst thing you can do is immobilize it and let all the surrounding muscles get weak.

If you haven't tried deca yet, give it a shot. Works great for pain relief as low as 150 mg/wk.