TRT, long term testosterone, penis sensitivity and sex


New member
i wanted to post a thread to discuss and address an issue that a lot of guys on long term cycles and TRT are experiencing or may not know they are experiencing. I have been on TRT for about 2 years. I am on 200mg of test c which is injected at 100mg every 3.5 days as well as .25 of adex 2x per week. I've played around with the dosage and timing to arrive at the best result with as little estradiol in an optimum range and feel good which is the goal.

It started having some ED issues. I could get it going and jerked off quite regularly, but I couldn't get it going every time I wanted. I considered myself a stud and had nevertheless had not had any problems before TRT...quite the opposite. I figured it was fluctuations in estradiol and got diligent about my adex, timing and did a lot of research. I just figured that I am 43 and cialis was part of my life now and trying to 500ius of hcg A couple of times a week would be my new norm. Holy shit!!!! My girlfriend had the best pussy in the world. Then I realized that her pussy as great as it was was not what had changed. The sensitivity in my penis had changed and I had not realized it because it had happened over a long period of time.

I spoke to a friend who was on TRT, and he had experience the same thing. He said that he had to concentrate to cum, and he could get hard but he lost it often because it took too long to orgasm.

I did some research and came across a video by vergel Nelson, saying that a lot of guys on TRT or long term use lose penis sensitivity and have to use hcg to return to normal. After I started injecting 500ius of hcg every 3 days, my sex was fabulous. It was like I remembered it should be. No more concentrating. I was having to hold back on cumming again and waiting for my girlfriend to come. The sensitivity was back and sex was unbelievably better!
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I don't know if this is really as widespread as you think. I haven't ever heard of penis sensitivity being an issue, nor has my ability to climax been impacted negatively due to TRT. If anything, both have gotten better for me over the last ~6 years I've been on exogenous hormones.

I did spend the first three or so without HCG, and actually started HCG as a finishing touch to improve my cognitive abilities more than anything as I felt that was still not at 100%.

Of course I'm not trying at all to discredit your findings, just wanted to mention that we're all vastly different, and how we react to hormones will be just as different for each of us. I am glad that you were able to find resolution though.

My .02c :)
yeah i only get sensitivity issues when my e2 is crashed. i've been on TRT for nearly 3 months @ 250mg cyp a week took me until last week to figure out what works for me i had to play around dosing frequency of my AI until i got it right. what works for me is splitting the test up to .5cc twice a week, mondays and thursdays. and .25mg adex every 4-5 days
As an experiment, I have been off HCG for the last 4 weeks (which coincided with the day I finished my cycle) - I have definitely noticed that I find it harder to get an erection to get the ball rolling, but once I'm hard, I stay hard and have no problem ejaculating.

The difficulty in getting the erection was bad enough for me to recommence HCG again immediately. I will be returning to a 500iu injection every 3.5 days as from today.
It is probably as simple as guys who are on TRT and dialed in or guys who cycle have more sex. More sex usually builds up tolerance. You want sex to feel amazing? Try abstinence for a month (no jerking off either). :)
It is probably as simple as guys who are on TRT and dialed in or guys who cycle have more sex. More sex usually builds up tolerance. You want sex to feel amazing? Try hdhdgeudndh nsjdiduhe jzhsgshsu, kzjjxj. (hdjdi vfubcf ttfdd) . :)

Sorry Tron, I can't understand that last part. What did you say?


Yeah, still can't read it. :eek:

I don't know if this is really as widespread as you think. I haven't ever heard of penis sensitivity being an issue, nor has my ability to climax been impacted negatively due to TRT. If anything, both have gotten better for me over the last ~6 years I've been on exogenous hormones.

I did spend the first three or so without HCG, and actually started HCG as a finishing touch to improve my cognitive abilities more than anything as I felt that was still not at 100%.

Of course I'm not trying at all to discredit your findings, just wanted to mention that we're all vastly different, and how we react to hormones will be just as different for each of us. I am glad that you were able to find resolution though.

My .02c :)

I agree halfwit. Everybody is different. I would it agree that it may not be widespread, but I think it's more common than people know or admit. I didn't realize it was an issue because it came on so slowly. It wasn't until I experimented with differe
I don't know if this is really as widespread as you think. I haven't ever heard of penis sensitivity being an issue, nor has my ability to climax been impacted negatively due to TRT. If anything, both have gotten better for me over the last ~6 years I've been on exogenous hormones.

I did spend the first three or so without HCG, and actually started HCG as a finishing touch to improve my cognitive abilities more than anything as I felt that was still not at 100%.

Of course I'm not trying at all to discredit your findings, just wanted to mention that we're all vastly different, and how we react to hormones will be just as different for each of us. I am glad that you were able to find resolution though.

My .02c :)

I agree. Everyone is different. I don't think it's widespread, but I think it's more common than people realize. I didn't even know it was an issue with me, because it came on so slowly. It wasn't until I experimented with differe
I don't know if this is really as widespread as you think. I haven't ever heard of penis sensitivity being an issue, nor has my ability to climax been impacted negatively due to TRT. If anything, both have gotten better for me over the last ~6 years I've been on exogenous hormones.

I did spend the first three or so without HCG, and actually started HCG as a finishing touch to improve my cognitive abilities more than anything as I felt that was still not at 100%.

Of course I'm not trying at all to discredit your findings, just wanted to mention that we're all vastly different, and how we react to hormones will be just as different for each of us. I am glad that you were able to find resolution though.

My .02c :)

I agree halfwit. Not everyone is the same, but I think it's more common than people realize. I didn't realize it was an issue for me, because it came on so slowly. I orgasmed really hard, but the sensitivity had faded slowly. My friend said the same thing. It's not just that we are getting regular sex. There is s huge difference in sensitivity when using hcg on a regular basis. If you don,t use it or use it incorrectly on TRT or a long cycle, you would not know until you stopped TRT or came off a cycle. Vergel Nelson has some video on this. I'll link it, if I can figure it out
If you can imagine the difference between having sex with a hot chick. One day it feels good and mentally you are into it and it's good. Then, you have sex with the same hot chick after being on hcg for 2-3 weeks. Your dick is tingling all over like you were a teenager again. Sex is fucking amazing!!! You can barely keep yourself from cumming in the first 5 minutes. Same chick having sex the same frequency but you are using hcg now
It's the lack of - "penis sensitivity"... that causes all of these problems - and is
where hCG comes into play - which should be ran throughout the entire cycle...

The first effort (hCG) is to avoid testicular atrophy... and the reduced ability to respond
to LH stimulants.

By running it through the cycle, you are avoiding the problem of testicular atrophy -
instead of trying to correct it later on when the cycle is over.

From my experience - the nice thing is... you can simply add hCG to your current regimen
and should be back up and running in a very short time.

However that's just my experience... it might not be so easy for some people - but it would definitely
be my starting point if hCG wan't already in the mix.

Outside of Viagra and Cialis... L-Arginine is another addition that kicks ass if you take it at the
right dose... which is around 6-8 850 mg capsules - two with each meal.
To me, and its only opinion, by adding HCG you brought your E2 up higher and back into range. This could have be achieved by cutting out your dose of Adex as well. At TRT dose some guys dont need an Ai .
It's the lack of - "penis sensitivity"... that causes all of these problems - and is
where hCG comes into play - which should be ran throughout the entire cycle...

The first effort (hCG) is to avoid testicular atrophy... and the reduced ability to respond
to LH stimulants.

By running it through the cycle, you are avoiding the problem of testicular atrophy -
instead of trying to correct it later on when the cycle is over.

From my experience - the nice thing is... you can simply add hCG to your current regimen
and should be back up and running in a very short time.

However that's just my experience... it might not be so easy for some people - but it would definitely
be my starting point if hCG wan't already in the mix.

Outside of Viagra and Cialis... L-Arginine is another addition that kicks ass if you take it at the
right dose... which is around 6-8 850 mg capsules - two with each meal.

Just when I start thinking I am taking too many supps and stop taking them someone like you suggests one and I go out and buy more!!! I try to get out, and they keep pulling me back in!
To me, and its only opinion, by adding HCG you brought your E2 up higher and back into range. This could have be achieved by cutting out your dose of Adex as well. At TRT dose some guys dont need an Ai .
yes. whether ur on steroids or off, your body has its own testosterone to e2 ratio. so if need an AI on "TRT", then 200mg a week is week is not exactly TRT, but a slight augmentation of your natural testosterone level.
I had been running 250ius twice a week with my TRT. I have labs done regularly. My test is at around 1200 at a peak and 800 at a trough. My e is at 45 when test is at a peak and 17-20 at a trough. These are just averages. I am not looking at my labs right now. I had not noticed the loss in sensitivity until it got worse and worse. It would typically take 30 -45 minutes of all out ballls to the wall *ucking to cum, and it was getting worse.

One of the guys at IMT (not sure if they are still a board sponsor or not) had told me 8 months or so ago when I was checking out other docs not to go to a clinic that would not prescribe HCG along with my test. I asked why, and he said arteriosclerosis and I would eventually stop enjoying sex. I had no idea what he was talking about. I was on 250ius 2x a week, so I thought I was fine. With my condition starting to get worse and having heard the guy from IMT and doing subsequent research on my own, I increase my HCG dosage to 500ius per week, and 2-3 weeks later...voila!!! Sex felt the way I remembered. I then decided to go to 500ius 3X a week. This was perfect for me.

I've had blood tests since I've increased my HCG and my E was still around 20 even the day after an HCG injection. It had not seemed to affect my e to any degree at all
So, I think the issue is way more common than people think. It may not affect everyone. However, I have been on TRT for over 2 years now. I didn't notice any changes until about 6 months ago
I agree halfwit. Not everyone is the same, but I think it's more common than people realize. I didn't realize it was an issue for me, because it came on so slowly. I orgasmed really hard, but the sensitivity had faded slowly. My friend said the same thing. It's not just that we are getting regular sex. There is s huge difference in sensitivity when using hcg on a regular basis. If you don,t use it or use it incorrectly on TRT or a long cycle, you would not know until you stopped TRT or came off a cycle. Vergel Nelson has some video on this. I'll link it, if I can figure it out
Oh, I'm sure lots of men may have this problem, and is one of the reasons I have been suggesting HCG on top of TRT, as we don't fully know how each of these missing parts really works - until it's gone.

In all honesty, I think hypogonadism is far more widespread than we as a society realize. We've just been told that it's normal to feel like shit as we age. ;)

yes. whether ur on steroids or off, your body has its own testosterone to e2 ratio. so if need an AI on "TRT", then 200mg a week is week is not exactly TRT, but a slight augmentation of your natural testosterone level.

That's not entirely true. It's the spikes in testosterone that cause aromatization. As we can't mimic the true diurnal patterns of testosterone release without something like a pump - spiking is just part of the price of admission. I required an AI at 150mg/wk, which put me right about where you sit natty.