try question and a thanks to some


avi changes as i do
I seem to be making pretty consistent gains on my small trt protocol. The Dr only has me on 100mg/wk. I started at 305 test level 6 weeks ago & now up to 500 as full panel lab revealed. Just curious if I keep eating right & training consistently will my gains keep coming or will I hit a ceiling & need a bigger test dose to get bigger? I was 192lb when I started 6 weeks ago & now I'm at 203lb. Plus I qwit smoking about a week ago, so thnx for the encouragmnt guys. I chew nicorret.
Congrats on quitting! Way to get a start on the new year.

Just like Natty guys, you will eventually hit your genetic peak and require more testosterone to keep growing. I imagine you still have plenty of room to grow though.
Thnx Tron!! Do you suppose most of this new weight is water. Just seems to have come qwik. The doc said my estrodial is good though....I didn't ask the exact #.
Thnx Tron!! Do you suppose most of this new weight is water. Just seems to have come qwik. The doc said my estrodial is good though....I didn't ask the exact #.

Bloating/water retention can be from high e2. Can you get the number? Did you get a sensitive e2 panel? Most of the time dr's order the regular e2. Some guys use the regular to adjust by but the sensitive e2 is designed for males
My estrogen is<5.1. This part scares me: AST(SGOT)139; ALT(SGPT)274. Both liver #s, both high as hell.
What is in this liv52 that it seems like everyone decides to take... or at least everyone on elitemuscle stick with nac

I've seen it work in real medical settings where pa tints have consumed absurd amounts of tylenol and alcohol daily and they've came to the point of tylenol posing and jaundice and NAC was administered and it reversed both the jaundice and poisoning Very quickly.... pretty much saved a loved ones life... so I swear by NAC..i can't believe people still use milk thistle lol

NAC is defiantly the way to go. great in medical uses. they put it in iv bags for people who like chicago said overdosed on tylenol or something similar. it works by normalizing liver enzymes and by boosting the glutathione levels which is a detoxifying antioxidant. so i am in total agreement with chicago on this one.
Is NAC something I need a prescription to get? I may have hep c too, thats got the #s so high, so I plan to see the family doc asap to see about addressing that, if indeed I have hep c. This would be a direct result from drug use...conciquencez bros. Do I have to stop trt during hep c treatment, does anyone know.
Is NAC something I need a prescription to get? I may have hep c too, thats got the #s so high, so I plan to see the family doc asap to see about addressing that, if indeed I have hep c. This would be a direct result from drug use...conciquencez bros. Do I have to stop trt during hep c treatment, does anyone know.

I purchase NAC from Amazon.
Do y'all know if the NAC & live 52 is available at Walgreen's/cvs? And will the stuff help if it is hep c
Thnx, n u think the stuff will help regardless my condition bro. I'm going to the doc either way, just trying to do something to help until then. Thnx again!
dose at 1800mg - 2400mg till enzymes go back to normal then remain on a 1200mg maintnence dose.. and you should never have problems with your liver unless it is something very serious

it literally works wonders

I'll give it a nothing to loose.