try question and a thanks to some

Hey Chicago, the dude at Gnc said I should take milk thistle with NAC. What u think? He prolly just trying to sell more product to me?
If I were you I would begin taking N Acetyl Cystine NAC immediately at 1800mg to 2400mg ed.

This is what's giving for tylenol poisoning and it works wonders on the liver Very quickly with minimal sides

qft... this shit works fast! Can prolly get your liver values down where they belong in about a week
Hey Chicago, the dude at Gnc said I should take milk thistle with NAC. What u think? He prolly just trying to sell more product to me?

nac works for sure, milk thistle cant do any harm but why waste the $$$... because they help at gnc knows all about limiting liver damage from aas, right?