Trying a Tren Solo Cycle.

Hey guys,

This is my first post on these forums.

I would like to talk about the current cycle I'm on and some thoughts and suggestions. No need to bash, I'm alright with constructive criticism however.

OK so my stats:

Ht - 6'0ft

Wt - 205Lbs

BF% - 13.7

Age - 26

I have about 6 years of fitness experience. I am also a personal trainer and currently an Exercise physiology major. So i understand most of what is discussed here on the forums.

Onto my cycle:

I am running a Tren A solo cycle atm. I heard good and bad, but everything is personal experience. I am not having terrible sides. My current dose is 75mgs ED. I started on 50mgs ED for the first 3 weeks. I wasnt having terrible sides, A little out of breath, some minor insomnia, minor depression. Nothing i couldnt handle, even at larger scale. The strength gains are decent, A little less sex drive, and the ol' willy works fine.

My whole purpose of posing is to find out if its ok to add some test prop to the cycle around week 5-6? I was thinking 50-75mgs ED to match the Tren. I was going to cut the tren out around week 8 and continue the Test for till week 11.

What do you guys think? I know the post is a little messy but it is my first time posting on the forums.

Thanks in advanced guys! :D
Goodluck with that, fuck I love tren but would never run it solo at least put a low dose of test in your system, fuck buy 10ml vile.of test 200mg/week and that test vile will last u the whOle cycle
Here, this will help. :)


I really can't add much more to this thread other than chemically castrating oneself intentionally is never a good idea.

There have been various reports that Rosie O"Donnell was a man, before...she became a man??? Damned if I cant see it here View attachment 563962 nothing that butt ugly can qualify to be female or male lol
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There have been various reports that Rosie O"Donnell was a man, before...she became a man??? Damned if I cant see it here View attachment 563962 nothing that butt ugly can qualify to be female or male lol
Bahahahahaha. I cringe just thinking of that voice saying anything remotely sexual. But at least she's got money, that should help her get laid. ;)

Honestly, I did it to help out IncreaseMyT...I figure people will be flocking to them in droves after reading that. ;)

But what about guys already on TRT? Now I have to counteract the shrinkage with more HCG. :(
But what about guys already on TRT? Now I have to counteract the shrinkage with more HCG. :(

Yeah...did not think it the whole way through.

Sorry guys, my most sincere apologies. I truly mean it, I never expected people to actually post pictures...
Add a low dose of testosterone. Test and e2 have important effects on bone and brain health. Keeping test low will decrease side effects. test and tren have a synergistic effect with sides. Your chance of hypertension and gyno will go up considerably if you add a lot of testosterone. I would stick to 150-300 mg test e max.
The fact that the OP can still get wood using tren without test and prami is a wonder in itself. Me thinks he is headed for disaster real soon. And a full recovery could prove to be somewhat elusive

True that^^!!
OP, your honesty caused you to get your head cracked here. You could probably use as asprin by now huh?? It's all good tho, I too was once a knucklehead that had to learn everything the HARD WAY!! Sux, huh. Just make sure your taking note....
Notes are being taken.

Just an update:

Added in Test prop at 50mg ED. Sides from Tren are down and my mood is overall imporving. Gains are a little more "bulky"Not as lean but i cant complain.

To finish off the Cycle - 100Mgs tren ace ED + 50Mgs of test ED. Lipid profile is screwed and im mildly hypertensive but other than that my bloods looked good!

The gear im using is cause a wierd reaction though. Red skin, PIP starts are 24-48 hours post injection. Someone said this might be the oil used?
What AI are you taking? Are you rotating injection sites sufficiently? Is your injection protocol clean?
Notes are being taken.

Just an update:

Added in Test prop at 50mg ED. Sides from Tren are down and my mood is overall imporving. Gains are a little more "bulky"Not as lean but i cant complain.

To finish off the Cycle - 100Mgs tren ace ED + 50Mgs of test ED. Lipid profile is screwed and im mildly hypertensive but other than that my bloods looked good!

The gear im using is cause a wierd reaction though. Red skin, PIP starts are 24-48 hours post injection. Someone said this might be the oil used?

If your running this cycle with no AI ,, then the 'bulky' gains (water retention) and hypertension are to be expected. Your estrogen is elevated. You should be running an AI