Trying to fight water retention from last cycle


New member
I am trying to fight the water retention left or bodyfat from my last cycle(7 months ago). here is my meal schedule

1st meal- 5 egg whites and low sodium tuna
2nd meal- black beans and rice and chicken breast and lowfat milk
3rd meal-5 egg whites and tuna low salt and steak(no salt)
4th meal-4 egg whites and low fat milk
5th meal- protein shake

I will probably use nolva because i did not post cycle therapy (pct) for very long(4 weeks), and i used l-dex for two weeks during my cycle. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks.
youv been off 7 months? Then I would say all the water your holding is not from your cycle, possibly you gained some fat during cycle?
I have heard that before but I should stop that all together (low fat milk). Or do i just use it in the morninig and afternoon. Thanks dieselman