Trying to get back to college days


New member
Thanks to any who care to read or follow.
40 years old
218 lbs
I think around 20% body fat
already on a 3j diet started on 12-16 had a meltdown with booze and food on xmas eve but back committed now.
I started diet around 226lbs so making very good progress. I am excited about having a clean diet as I have never had one.

This journal is for me to record and share my workout routine, so that I can track progress and get advice, and criticism if I got it coming

In college I weighed 260 with around 14% Body fat on a sports scholarship.

My daily routine is wake up at 430am quick eat go to gym by 5:15am do at least 30min of steady state cardio with good incline on treadmill or lower incline slow runs on my lifting days m-f then I work out each body group 1 day a week for 30-45 min moderate intensity then work as executive(sedimentary) go home and in bed by 9-930 6 meals a day spaced 3 the letter from 3j...sat and sundays I do 1hr of cardio and light ab work as I usually hit them hard on my wed lift the rest of the days are relaxation or mamma dos

I have gained considerable ground but am trying to salvage a cycle that I have 7 weeks remaining. Didnt find this site or have proper education prior to the start which is how I found ology.

I appreciate it.

Well if your off it now your gonna need to get more gear. 7 weeks wont do much if its test. Make sure you read a lot more because there is a ton to learn about using steroids. Id personally say wait get your bf% down and then when you are in better shape look into doing this cycle.
I havent stopped Im going to go ahead and finish the 12 weeks..getting very up to speed...this site has close to everything in the newbie section very good reads.
12/31 30 min treadmill 10 deg incline 2 miles
db bench 100x15 100x15 200x6 200x6 160x12
decline sb bench 135x15 205x8 205x8 185x12
incline bench 185 5x5
pec fly 150x15 210x12 240x6 240x5

didnt feel strong today ralllied on pec fly after pissed off
1/1 40 min treadmill 7 degree incline 2.6mile
bent over sh rows 15x90 8x115 5x140 8x115
lat pull downs 15x150 8x210 5x225 5x225
seated narrow rows 15x150 8x225 5x250 8x225
wide grip pull down15x140 6x225 6x225
deadlift 15x135 6x225 6x225
1/2 45 min cardio 9deg incline 2.88 miles
db military 15x50s 8x70s 6x80s 8x70s
wings 20x20s 8x45s 8x45s 5x45s
shrugs 185x12 225x8 225x8
forward rope shoulder pulls 40x15 60x10 80x6

really good burn
lmao thanks DD thats the wife..considering we have 6 very happy

1/3 cardio 30 min 2.2miles 0 incline.(had to get on a fucked treadmill because all the resoluters in the gym)

squats 15x135 8x185 8x185 8x185
hamstring curls 15x80 10x110 6x155 8x140
calves ext 20x260 15x300 15x300 single leg 80x100 each
leg extension 15x120 10x190 8x220
calf raises 20x90 15x135 15x135
1/4 32min treadmill 7.5 incline 2 miles

superset cg bench/incline curls 15x115/30s 8x185/40s 8x185/42.5s 6x205/45s
preacher curls 20x60lb 15x80 10x100 15x80
rope pull downs 15x110 12x150 8x180 6x210
straigth bar curl 15x80 10x120 8x140 10x120
dips bw(212)x10 3 sets
overhead rope pulls 15x80 10x90 8x110

didnt feel strong at all todady im sure it was mental went for higher reps
straight bar bench 15x155 10x205 6x225 6x225
sb decline bench 15x135 10x185 8x205 6x225
sb incline bench 10x185 8x205 7x205
overhead rope pulls 15x150 12x180 10x190
sb pushdown 15x150 10x200 10x200
dips 3 set bwx10
skull crushers 10x90 10x90 8x90
1/8 30 min treadmill 5 degree incline 2.6mile
bent over sh rows 15x100 8x120 5x145 8x120
lat pull downs 15x150 10x210 8x225 8x225
seated narrow rows 15x150 10x225 8x250 8x225
wide grip pull down15x140 8x225 8x225
deadlift 15x135 6x235 6x235
1/9 43 min 5 degree 3.5 miles
shrugs 10x225 10x225 6x275
wings 20x20s 10x30s 10x40x 6x45s
forward rope shoulder pulls 40x15 60x10 80x6
shoulder press 87x15 135x8 135x8

heavy fatigue today
1/10 no cardio
squats 15x135 10x185 10x185
hamstring curls 15x80 10x110 8x155 10x140
calves ext 20x260 15x300 15x300
leg extension 15x125 10x195 8x225
calf raises 20x90 15x135 15x160
1/11 35MIN cardio 2.2 miles
overhead rope pulls 20x60 15x110 12x130 10x150
sb cable push downs 15x100 12x130 10x150 8x190
skull crushers ezbar 90lb 3 sets 12
dips 10xbw 3 sets
incline curls 20x15s 15x20s 15x25s 12x30 8x35
sb cable curls 15x80 10x120 8x130
preacher curls ezbar 90x15 95x12 95x9
very good pump hurt like hell..loved it