trying to start TRT

Well that being said, do you think its possible for the amount that I took to have such a profound effect on my symptoms?
And how do you think my natural levels will react as this begins to wear off?

Yes, I've heard similar stories before of guys that had a profound effect from their first dose and they usually were getting much less than 400mg at a've had 800mg so far....once you get going with actual testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) you should be on a dose of 100 to 200mg per week, most guys will be in that range some take less and some take more.

I'm not doubting your astonishing experience at all, I'm just envious. I think the is very little chance it's some kind of placebo effect....your new life is just beginning....are you and your wife ready for it?

You could go to the post cycle therapy (pct) section/forum and read some there on how your own test production is likely to respond....I think it's kind of a non-issue because I think you definitely are going to be on TRT....unless you have an ongoing prostate cancer I don't think a herd of wild horses could keep you away!

You've been on exogenous test only such a brief time though so I think you'd probably get back to your old levels within a couple of months.....I don't really think that 800mg retrained your system and now you are all better though.
Also despite feeling absolutely amazing, I had a little bit of nipple sensitivity going on. Not so much anymore but I wondered if that was a negative Side effect or something that normally happens?

Because you got so much test so fast some of it aromatized into estradiol, if that kept happening without you taking an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (aromatase inhibitor)(ie...aromasin, arimidex, letro) to counter that. You would probably keep having nipple sensitivity and they could get puffy and you could actually grow larger breasts and then your wife could play with you might think I'm kidding....I kid you not.....might joke with you later in the time to come but you need correct info right now.

When you take a more normal testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) sized dose in more frequent doses (many guys here are injecting test every 3.5 days, some do every 5, some do every 7) that all helps to not have so much aromatization and some guys don't need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), but also many do.
Well first off I want to thank you guys for being so helpful! And I absolutely agree with what you said about doctors not always know everything.
I was just checking out my profile how the hell do you get friends on here is it like Facebook? Lol

Stick around, with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) we get to hear many crappy doctor's not well understood by most docs, even some that are on TRT/HRT. On the flip side there are some docs who are extremely talented with it. Should you need their help one of our sponsors is a clinic who knows their stuff. IMT, they have an ad on the right side of the page and they might service Alaska...I really don't know, but there are several of their reps who check in here. I just wanted you to be aware of them in case you need them or someone you run into up there does.

Actually you've made friends already, I think there might be some kind of friend post or something but it's not usually used. After you make I think 50 posts you can PM any one of us you's all good, you're doing fine!

It's always a pleasure to get to witness a positive life changing experience, thank you!
LOL....I'm having sleeping issues these days and there's like 19 hours or more of daylight up there now ;)
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Yeah no kidding! My sleep cycle is all screwed up! Add to that the fact that it never gets dark out here, I usually sleep from around midnight 1 o'clock to 10 in the morning? I work 2 on 2 off so right now I don't have any work to go to or anything.
I sleep, lol not very often but I do sleep! Yeah that's right now in Alaska there's not very much darkness. It gets kind of dark outside for about 3 hours between midnight and 3 a.m. then for the rest of the time that you're trying to sleep the Sun is low to the rise and shine in your window like it does your place at like at whatever time of the morning. My mother is a alternative health medicine food guru, and I've spoken with her about testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) she even thinks its a good idea. Only because the symptoms I've exhibitedthe past few years. But she thinks it has to do with this Alaska winter time darkness and summertime daylight? Not so sure I'm buying into that one, I think all my problems stem from an injury haha. About 6 years ago FL 28 feet broke my neck. Took a lot of pain medication therapy to get through that. Up to this day I take a non narcotic painkiller but I take a lot of it. I'm not saying I have addiction problems I'm just saying that I have nerve damage in my neck that requires me to take a strong painkiller. I've read studies that show haha that long time pain treatments have an affect on the body's ability to absorb takin a make testosterone. That being said you'd think the doctor my first doctor Will have a little bit more sympathy for my flight. Because he's the one that inform me about the correlation between pain therapy and testosterone loss. Coincidently Since I began the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) I haven't taken nearly as much of the pain medication? Go figure?

Anyway you guys are great and wish me luck because this Dr is best chance I've got!
She recommended Some type of genetically identical plant testosterone implant?

You guys ever heard of that?

Sounds like the pellets...they work for some but you'd probably have to wait until they were due to be implanted again to adjust the dose higher or lower. The injections just seem to do better for most and they are also the least expensive since insurance sometimes won't cover the treatment.

Here's a youtube video on the implant:

You maybe could have injured your pituitary or hypothalamus when you fell and that could screw up test levels plus pain pills seem to screw up a guy's test big time. Anymore there are a lot of things that screw the levels up and more and more guys need TRT....the % of guys that need it get higher every year and we don't all have Alaska's light and darkness schedule to blame sooo.......
I sleep, lol not very often but I do sleep! Yeah that's right now in Alaska there's not very much darkness. It gets kind of dark outside for about 3 hours between midnight and 3 a.m. then for the rest of the time that you're trying to sleep the Sun is low to the rise and shine in your window like it does your place at like at whatever time of the morning. My mother is a alternative health medicine food guru, and I've spoken with her about testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) she even thinks its a good idea. Only because the symptoms I've exhibitedthe past few years. But she thinks it has to do with this Alaska winter time darkness and summertime daylight? Not so sure I'm buying into that one, I think all my problems stem from an injury haha. About 6 years ago FL 28 feet broke my neck. Took a lot of pain medication therapy to get through that. Up to this day I take a non narcotic painkiller but I take a lot of it. I'm not saying I have addiction problems I'm just saying that I have nerve damage in my neck that requires me to take a strong painkiller. I've read studies that show haha that long time pain treatments have an affect on the body's ability to absorb takin a make testosterone. That being said you'd think the doctor my first doctor Will have a little bit more sympathy for my flight. Because he's the one that inform me about the correlation between pain therapy and testosterone loss. Coincidently Since I began the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) I haven't taken nearly as much of the pain medication? Go figure?

Anyway you guys are great and wish me luck because this Dr is best chance I've got!

Deficient Vitamin D levels are said to impact your testosterone levels. That's what I have always heard -- I don't have medical studies though.

Long-term narcotic usage is another one. Ask Halfwit about his experience.
Okay guys I just got a call from my doctor! And he is basically opted out of treating me for testosterone? Kind of f***** up the hospital administrator call me. But whatever I've been on the search for the past month and I have a few options. I have a friend ! who has a friend in Mexico right now. And my friend s asked me to get a list together of things I need! So I told him to test C 200mg/ml. About 100mg of that. And to be on the safe side I'd like to get aromasin or arimdex? But I'm not sure about the dosing of those??? I'm sitting with my friend right now so any answers to do with how the dosing would go for a comparable amount to accompany1 hundred milligrams of testosterone therapy would be most welcome.
It's absolutely astonishing to me that when you go in there and you're honest with them And try to give them all the information so they can't treat you. That they actually hold it against you in the end. They think they are gods and are the only ones that should ever be allowed to prescribe medication! Which to an extent maybe that's a good thing hell I don't know?
My doctor was going to do it! But the hospital administrator reviewed my file And decided that it wasn't something that their clinic wanted to deal with! Lucky me!
I don't know how reliable this connection through friend of mine is but Hopefully that will work out.

How hard is it To Manage your own testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) therapy without dealing with the doctor? Provided i had a stable means of acquiring the drugs i need without a prescription.
Which I'm not quite there yet I don't think, there's another doctor here in town that supposed to be a good fella, people I've talked to say all I need to do is go in there and tell him what I've done and what I need and he should write it. Yeah I haven't spoken with him directly or set up an appointment with him but with my test levels hitting rock bottom over the next week or two. I think maybe I'll have pretty decent chance of getting him to write a prescription. I'm just trying to put together a backup plan with the whole Mexico thing.

I think someone said it earlier a pack of wild horses couldn't keep me away from this now that I've had a taste of what my life can be like! And I thought all that s*** went away when I hit 25 And was just prepared to live that way. Who knew?
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Deficient Vitamin D levels are said to impact your testosterone levels. That's what I have always heard -- I don't have medical studies though.

Long-term narcotic usage is another one. Ask Halfwit about his experience.

Well in my case only use the narcotics for a little while. Then switch to a non narcotic medication therapy . which is seem to help better and didn't leave me feeling like an addict all the time. But even still I think there's gotta be some kind of adverse effect Because I've been taking for 4-5 years now.
Keeping trying to get on doctor-prescribed testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). It will make it a lot easier for you in the end than going to the underground. You will be able to go to any pharmacy to get your human-grade pharma quality prescriptions filled. You will be able to get needles easily. You can get Aromatase inhibitor (AI) through your doctor. You can travel with your meds if you need to. You don't have to worry about what you are about to inject into your body. And so on.

Have you called IMT yet? There is certainly no need to be in such a state of despair if you have not even called them yet. Just read through this forum to see how many guys they have helped here. And from my count, you have only talked to two doctors in Alaska -- and both were before you got coaching from us on what and what not to say to them.

Don't start placing orders for gear from Mexico. Think this through and be smart about it.
Very true!

Getting needles won't be a problem of here how you can walk in Walmart buying if you have an ID. As far as the whole Mexico thing it was my understanding that if you're down there you can walk into a pharmacy and purchase Test-c from the pharmacist? And my friend has a good friend down there is visiting he's already sent back a bunch antibiotics and viagra so he mentioned that he might be able to pick me up some.

As far as IMT goes I'm just not sure how all that works I guess I need to call them but I don't think insurance will pay for going that route and I don't know how expensive it is?

As to the panicking part damn right I am ,summers are short in alaska and I really want to live this one right!
I appreciate all you guys advice though! I really do! But I can tell you now I'm going to do whatever I have to to get on tRt. One way or another?

As for doctors, there really isn't that many up here and the ones that are here hell I'd say two thirds of them are not taking patients? That leaves me with b******* like walkin clinics. And the occasional general practitioner who doesn't really want to do the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) thing. I live about 4 hours from Anchorage and it's a major pain in the ass to try to get up there and get in to see a doctor. But I'm not done trying yet. As far as Aromatase inhibitor (AI) goes out. I'll just start testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) until I run into an estrogen problem and then I'll go into a doctor and say look my estrogen the elevated fix it. Lol I know its not a joke, And I know I've only been a member for a few days, But I've been dealing with this problem for the past month and a half. And just about the time I think I'm making some headway Seems like I get shut down all over again. Sincerely frustrated in Alaska
Well I called them , I got an answer machine so I went online and filled out there little call me when thing, put my information in there hopefully they'll give me a call back soon.
Sorry for all the venting earlier calls like that sucks! Some administrator accusing you of doing something to try and get high or or big muscles! I mean who gives a s*** about qualityof life anyway? Hell I think after we have as many kids as we need we should rubber band our balls so they fall off! Hell who needs em? ........ seriously is that logic he was trying to imply? You know some doctors are bad! But I haven't met a hospital administrator yet that was w Worth a damn!
Tod called me back but I couldn't answer the phone I was on the bike.
It looks like im getting closer to a solution! Thanks for the help guys.
I hope I didn't offend any of you with my impatience?