tweaked lean bulking diet


Sauce Monster
Feel free to critique
meal 1
2 whole eggs 5 egg whites and 3/4 cup of oatmeal
3 pills dhea 1 aspirin 2 pills flax seed

meal 2
8 oz chicken 2 slices of whole wheat bread
1,000 mg vit c, 1 pill b complex 2 pills primrose oil

meal 3
Steak 12 oz brown rice or whole wheat pasta 120 g of carbs and asparagus
2 flax seed oil pills and 2 chromium picolinate
meal 4
Protein shake w 4 pills of branch chain amino acid and 1000 mg of vit c

meal 5
8 oz of fish 1 yam or pasta and broccoli 1 vit b complex pill and 2 pills of primrose oil

meal 6
preworkout meal
2 whole eggs 5 egg whites and 1 yam

meal 7
post workout
50 g whey shake and 1/4 cup of brown rice

meal 8
steak 12 oz salad green veggies and potato
that's a bulking diet? Wow except for the shakes that resembles a cutting diet to me, your metabolism must allow you to bulk with fewer calories. The general plan sounds good though.
are you eating 8 meals because you enjoy cooking/preparing meals every 1-2 hours, or because you honestly think you need to eat that often?
Phil9999 said:
umm little bit of both
in that case, cut it down to 6. It will make your life a whole lot easier...unless you have no job, friends, or any other obligations that will get in the way of cooking and eating.

also take all the vitamins out of the description, too much shit too read lol.
Eat it or Beat it!!! said:
ppl enjoy eating small regular meals everyday....i no for a fact i would go insane eating 4-5 like you proclaim
i have yet to meet another human being that eats 8 times a day.
I eat 8 to 9 meals a day--4 of them are very large meals the rest of them are meals in between meals--I do not find it difficult, I would find it difficult to gain size with less because I would have to eat far too much in each meal. Have a lot of things pre-made and cooking all day is not an issue.
you guys are missing the point.

if you need a shitload of calories and can only get them down by eating 14 meals a day, or just really want to eat every 36 minutes, then go nuts. But dont buy into the "you MUST eat every 1-2 hours or you will shrivel up and die" claim. Food takes HOURS to digest, not minutes. If you eat a meal, there will still be aminos in your blood and your blood glucose will still be elevated hours later. Theres no point in eating so often. You dont want to be eating 2 meals a day, but you dont have a be an OCD fucktard that takes a bite of food every 1.12 minutes for fear of slipping into a "catabolic" state.
Umm let me give you a little bit of experience -----Don't get upset cause it will only wear you out and you'll end up like me. You know your right and so do the educated guys on here.

I'll give you a lot of insight into my day - Argue with an individual for a week only to have that person want me to help them on to seeing their pictures and laughing. This is a round and round circle.

Suareezay said:
you guys are missing the point.

if you need a shitload of calories and can only get them down by eating 14 meals a day, or just really want to eat every 36 minutes, then go nuts. But dont buy into the "you MUST eat every 1-2 hours or you will shrivel up and die" claim. Food takes HOURS to digest, not minutes. If you eat a meal, there will still be aminos in your blood and your blood glucose will still be elevated hours later. Theres no point in eating so often. You dont want to be eating 2 meals a day, but you dont have a be an OCD fucktard that takes a bite of food every 1.12 minutes for fear of slipping into a "catabolic" state.
DirkMoneyshot said:
Umm let me give you a little bit of experience -----Don't get upset cause it will only wear you out and you'll end up like me. You know your right and so do the educated guys on here.

I'll give you a lot of insight into my day - Argue with an individual for a week only to have that person want me to help them on to seeing their pictures and laughing. This is a round and round circle.
good point.
Hey husky guy where would u think a good place to add more calories inwould be . I also use italian olive oil on almost everything for calories.
When bulking, I cook my oatmeal in whole milk, I also mix protein shakes with it. I drink a lot of whole milk when bulking and eliminate it completely when cutting. Olive oil is healthy fat, and as an Italian you probably are not genetically predisposed to problems of high cholesterol as many northern Europeans are and Olive Oil is good for you. Throw some shrimp or ham into your brown rice--by itself it can be a bit bland, tuna packed in water is good, I like to mix it with a bit of cream cheese and wasabi it is always a good ready snack. If you are having trouble gaining, up the protein quantity in your meals in slight increments as you start lifting heavier in the gym this usually helps me to gain in both size and strength. A larger piece of fish, an extra egg etc.