Tx, others, remember that vitamin C thing?


New member
Originally posted by trouble @ ironaddicts.com

There is always a double edged sword with antioxidants, of every chemical class.

Take for instance, vitamin C, ascorbate. I commented in a recent post on the unusual mechanism of peroxidative damage to membranes, catalyzed by non coordination complexed iron = nonheme iron, in cells. Demonstrated to occur via glucose oxidation and ROS production, and made worse by the presence of reducing equivalents (NADPH and ascorbate)

IF there is a superoxide, peroxy, peoxynitrate, or other activated oxygen species present in excess, without another reducing agent to intervene - BAM! - you get DNA, protein, and membrane lipid damage, sure as shooting.

Thats why one must be oh-so-careful about dosages - the very reason I advise moderation in use of these antioxidants.

Its the melange of antioxidants in whole foods that keeps most free radical insult at bay. Remember that. These shortcut supplements, purified out of their natural matrix, have costs with their easy use benefit.

That said, turmeric, cayenne pepper extract, and ascorbate have their place in diet - when deficiencies are present.

In the athletic individual, with proper diet, sleep and stress management has beens shown NOT to benefit from excess dose of vitamin C, for a very good reason.

They are synthesizing enough of it and other antioxidatns, under proper cellular pathway regulation, to get the job done when the whole foods diet provides the precursors for their proper synthesis internally.

You see? Bad diet, poor lifestyle choices, these predispose us to deficiency states for core vitamins and coenzymes, and then if we attempt to remedy these deficiency with megadoses, all the while ignoring the other parts of the recipe for health, mayhem results from excess.

You cannot cure one excess with another, all the while expecting a short cut to save your metabolic ass.
DougoeFre5h said:
It doesnt address what we were wondering directly but it does show that yea, its not really needed.

Anabolics aren't needed either, but they're kinda cool. I still am extremely curious about hydrogen peroxide and injecting vitamin c.

I think there is something to all this hydrogen peroxide stuff. I was just reading the other day about one of the reasons honey is so good for you and that it can be used as a stopgap antiseptic is that it has enzymes that produce...you guessed it, hydrogen peroxide. I am guessing this is also one of the reasons that honey never spoils, ever.
Oh no I agree, I meant about vitC before and after workouts. I know it can be a miracle worker but it can also work against us in the training window.