Typical dose for Masteron Prop


Beast m0de never sleeps
Hey, so I know mast. is pretty much an injectable version of proviron & last cycle I ran was test E, EQ & Proviron, I fkn loved the proviron for the hardness and the retarded pumps I got from it, I know it was the prov. because I sorta ''bridged'' it running 25mg/day for about 4 wks at the start of my cycle then 3-4 wks (can't recall) 50mg/day at the end of my cycle and the 4 wks @ 25 mg I had insane pumps, then when I stopped it sorta went back to normal. I was wondering why but when I started it again @ 50mg/day the pumps can back big time!

So I'll get to the point in me posting this thread, I want to run test E 5-600mg/wk, Anavar (var) 60mg/day & masteron (since you can't run two orals, proviron is out of the question) but idk the right dosage for mast. and how long it has to be taken for to get max results.
Keep in mind I'm looking for a dose of mast. that would be equal to 50mg (or more) of proviron ED. aiming for dry gains. also just want to do a small cycle (15 wks max) so I can hurry up and recover for next summer & cycle tren & test (if all goes well)

Thanks for the input!
I'd run 1.2mls EOD, nice thing about short esters is adjusting pin to pin.

Several ways to run this stack . . . all about what sounds right to you.
Don't forget ur running a long ester test with mast prop. So mast prop Eod. I'm running 600 test cyp 300 mast Eod and just added 50 mg Anavar (var). it's a great stack. Bump the test to 600/wk. 200 test 100 mast Eod and ur Anavar (var). g2g brother
masteron = drostanolone
proviron = mesterolone

How are they the same? They may result in similar outcomes, but structurally they are entirely different.
masteron = drostanolone
proviron = mesterolone

How are they the same? They may result in similar outcomes, but structurally they are entirely different.

They might not be the same chemical structure but I was talking about the effects of both are supposedly similar (from what I've seen on this board) I only ran prov before, never used masteron.
300-600mg pw inject eod

to answer your q. the rest of the post is confusing...

Yeah I re-read this post again this morning and it is confusing, lol I was probably right tired and my ADD was kicking in, kept getting side tracked with useless info.

basically just wanted to know what was the ideal dose for mast. & think I'm gonna go with Cfm on this 1.2ml oed & adjust the dose if I feel I need to.

They might not be the same chemical structure but I was talking about the effects of both are supposedly similar (from what I've seen on this board) I only ran prov before, never used masteron.

Understood. If all goes well I'll be running them together in a week or so. I'm running proviron now.