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i just ate one. it's the enxt DETOUR bar. instead of the "snickers" taste like the DETOUR, this bad boy tasted like a "milky way" it was very good... go eat em up
does it contain real protein and not the hydrolyzed kind of protein like in those ads from "real protein"? those ads really makes those bars look like shit.
be careful too good too be true.btw a rep from the company is not going to tell you the truth about the lab test because he just wants too get paid!no flame.too much sugar !!!!!!NOT 9 GRAMS!!!!!!!
Hmmmm...what are the stats on this one? I've read far too many posts elsewhere about the Detour bars failing the lab tests so I"m a little leary about trying another one of their bars.
lol... ok everybody has mixed results about the ETOUR bar teast results. 1fast400 said they got it tested and it tested fine, yet rival companies say they are completely underdoes on protein and overdosed on sugar. so who do you believe? well it hasnt been pulled from the market yet, and if it isnt pulled in a month or two, than i would imagine if it in fact didnt make its claims, the company would be forced to pull it or get sued, because there is no question that all of these other companies are losing big time money to these bars. there is no way they can compete.
Thanks for posting the stats on the new bar. Very similiar to a lean body bar actually. I love lean body bars...mmmmm....cookies n cream.
Oops, I got side-tracked. I heard or read that the new batches of the Detour bar have to be corrected to meet the label standards or they will be pulled from the shelves. I don't know, but I own a proshop and that's the only reason i didn't pick the detour bars up because when i tried one, i thought, okay, these stats can't be right, way too sweet to be that low carb, Even if it uses glycerine in it, they still have to count those as carbs on the label. I'm a little leary of companies that pull shit like that. Generally Next Nutrition is a good company but you know, so many companies have changed hands this year, that a lot of the reputable companies are becoming not so reputable.

I cant locate the detour bars or the u-turn bars anywhere locally...Gnc does not have them, I have one more local place to check, but I doubt they will have them either..

You all keep stating how great the detour bars are, I am going nuts waiting to try one...lol..


I was comparing online prices last night an netrition has the detour bars for $25/box... as well..I will give dps a looky too...

Yeah it may taste great, but so what!! So it says it has those levels of macro-nutrients but how much of it is your body going to utilize? No matter what anyone says, bars have to be cooked and when you apply heat to protein, it destoys the fractions and bonds which lowers the quality and purity of the protein dramatically!! Being serious about nutrition, I would only rely on bars as a source of protein every once in a great while when traveling or for convenience!! A good quality isolate powder form is the way I'm going to go!!

Not flaming anyone or bars, just making a distinction between taking nutrition seriously or just talking about wanting to!!!:)
cory said:
Yeah it may taste great, but so what!! So it says it has those levels of macro-nutrients but how much of it is your body going to utilize? No matter what anyone says, bars have to be cooked and when you apply heat to protein, it destoys the fractions and bonds which lowers the quality and purity of the protein dramatically!! Being serious about nutrition, I would only rely on bars as a source of protein every once in a great while when traveling or for convenience!! A good quality isolate powder form is the way I'm going to go!!

Not flaming anyone or bars, just making a distinction between taking nutrition seriously or just talking about wanting to!!!:)

what about when you grill chicken breasts? this brings back the debate on RTD's
grafix-gnc said:
what about when you grill chicken breasts? this brings back the debate on RTD's

You can't compare meat protein to synthetically manufactured protein. It is a very difficult process to keep the protein stable in the latter form!!:)
that wasnt really my point, to compare the two, but at what temperature do the amino acids degrade? what proof do you have of this? how do you know that'cooking' the bars is actually destroying or derading the protein? sure heat will eventually degrade protein, im not aruging that, but at what temperure? is this the temp. they use to cook with?
grafix-gnc said:
that wasnt really my point, to compare the two, but at what temperature do the amino acids degrade? what proof do you have of this? how do you know that'cooking' the bars is actually destroying or derading the protein? sure heat will eventually degrade protein, im not aruging that, but at what temperure? is this the temp. they use to cook with?

To be honest with you, I'm not sure where I read this, but i do notice there are alot of people who post about bars and buying them by the case. It just made me wonder if some serious atheletes rely on them as their main protein supplement and not a good quality powder. Just think how much more they could tweak their physiques if they switched!!:)