UG Labs Question


New member
Hy guys, sorry for the inexperience and lack of knowledge, but i really have to understand this once for appreciate someone to give some info about it. So here he goes:

I live in Portugal and we don´t have much of these here, at least i think...What a hell is a underground lab? Is it a guy that decided to make is own product in is garage or so, and is trying to sell it like if it was a real product from a pharmaceutical brand like Schering and Oregon?!
Then you have those brands like geneza, balkan, asia pharma...what is that? They call human grade right? But aren´t they UG labs as well?
Another thing when you go online websites that sell steroids, they sell both the pharmaceutical products and these human grade, but even so each one can be fakes right... these human grade brands, all they do it´s steroids, and they admit it, it´s on the internet so everyone can see it, so are they a good alternative for the pharmaceuticals or they underdosed or make fake just to make money?!?!

By the way, if anyone can tell me some thrustfull website to buy i appreciate (and i don´t think it´s ellegal here in the forum, since all of them have they web page)

Best regards,
UG labs are just ppl/companies that make their own products that aren't regulated by a government agency. Pharm grade is made under more strict conditions and are regulated. Alot of UG labs are good. Alot are fakes. As far as telling you where to get shit, that's a big no way and you can't even ask that question here so edit your post. And yes, I'm pretty sure in about every country in the world there's UG labs.