Vander, dang son, how many baby rhinos do you eat a day?!?! wow! you look awesome bro. Would love to reach your level one day, you have a fantastic frame on ya! keep up the great work, I think I may "try" the tuna thing. Tuna makes me wanna puke but I will try it. I have to admit, the whole mixing tuna in oj or apple juice thing really sounds like a vomit session in the making, but what the heck? I'll let ya know how it goes, in and/or out!
You're thick as hell Vander. Been drinking tuna shakes for 4 days now, they're not too bad, just not great. Thanks for the tip!!
Tuna shakes may sound disgusting to some of you, but think about this - you will stick a fucking needle in you, so what's the big deal about drinking a tuna shake?

Vander - god damn. That's what I want to look like.
Behemoth said:
Tuna shakes may sound disgusting to some of you, but think about this - you will stick a fucking needle in you, so what's the big deal about drinking a tuna shake?

Vander - god damn. That's what I want to look like.
thanks man , and yea whats with you people just drink it lol .

Oh and try this as well chicken with cran grape juice it goes down ok .
ok, I went into the kitcjen and grabbed a can of tuna, put 8oz apple juice in the blender and mix VERY well. I have to admit, it wasnt bad at all, the smell is like rotten milk to me but the taste isnt so bad. I wont be able to do this everyday at all...my hats off to you big V. I will just have to stick with Whey protein and eggs..lol
Vander V said:
Diet goes a lil somethin like this.

meal 1 - 7 eggs whole 1 piece wheat toast. 8:00am

meal 2 - protein shake with flax oil. 10:00

meal 3- chicken salad 2 breasts with balsalmic. 12

meal 4 -tuna shake .2 rice cakes with pb 2:00

meal 6- lean beef brocolli red patatoe slop my own invention lol. 4:00

meal 7- pro shake with natty pb. 6:00

meal 8 - cooked shrimp with salad. 8:00

meal 9- tuna shake. 2 rice cakes with pb 10:00

meal 10- proshake 11:00pm

this might sound stupid,but what is pb and natty pb? (im not from USA)
Vander V said:
my tuna shake is 8oz apple juice with a tad of crushed ice , throw in jumbo size can of tuna containing 65g protein blend up extremely well and slam

bro, you look friggin’ sick man, simply incredible.

Re. your tuna shakes, do you drain the tuna water or just dump everything in with the apple juice?
saizen said:
bro, you look friggin’ sick man, simply incredible.

Re. your tuna shakes, do you drain the tuna water or just dump everything in with the apple juice?

i'd drain it to get rid of some sodium..........
orange juice is good too
i don't want to highjack Vander's thread but I tried the tuna shake over the weekend –I’m only doing it one once a day though, that's all I can handle for now-and I have to say it's not like drinking a frothy Vanilla Shake but it’s not shit either. I thought it would be like drinking wall putty but it's actually very liquidy.

The only problem I have with this concoction are those little fucking piece of shit tuna sediments that get stuck in the back of my throat after swallowing that give me those little gags, which potentially can cause some very bad vomit-spraying all over the kitchen. The first time I drank the fucker I almost lost it…thankfully I held everything down and didn’t spray my entire kitchen counter with projectile. The second time around I had the shake in one hand and a cold glass of water in the other. Every time I stop drinking the tuna shake, I chase it down with a bit of ice cold water. The water washes everything down and it helps.

I guess I'm hooked now thanks Vander for the gross recipe lol

OC Cartel: I'll try it with oj as well, thanks for the info
Vander V said:
my tuna shake is 8oz apple juice with a tad of crushed ice , throw in jumbo size can of tuna containing 65g protein blend up extremely well and slam .

But right now im using sugar/carb free apple cider powder mix it tastes about the same.
What is the brand of your sugar/carb free powder? I was just at the grocery store today and they had no apple cider powder. What's the brand name of it?
Winterlong said:
What is the brand of your sugar/carb free powder? I was just at the grocery store today and they had no apple cider powder. What's the brand name of it?
i forgot but i buy them at walmart :)
I just had one of those shakes last night and to tell you the truth, I don't think I can down another one. I finished the entire thing last night, but the aftertaste/texture of the shake was just disgusting lol. But yes, it is a great source of protein.
It's not that bad as long as your blender can liquify the tuna. If there are still a lot of chunks and you have to chew most of it, then it can be a little gross.