Ultradrol+Trenazone -- how does this look?


New member
I have Ultradrol and Trenazone on the way, which should be here either tomorrow or Saturday. Got all my support supps here already, and I just ordered some LiquiDex. Nolva has been ordered as well, but apparently hasn't been shipped yet since I haven't received an e-mail saying so. I hope it works out because that stuff wasn't cheap. I plan to run everything as follows:

-Hawthrorn Extract 500mg twice/day
-CEL Cycle Assist twice/day
-GNC Liver Formula twice/day

-Ultradrol 12/12/12/12
-Trenazone 1.5/1.5/1.5/1.5
-CEL Cycle Assist
-LiquiDex 0.5g EOD
-Fish Oil
-DHEA when needed
-Taurine when needed

-Nolva 20/20/10/10
-CEL Cycle Assist
-Test booster

Does that look alright? Should the LiquiDex be 0.5g ED or EOD? Is it necessaary to preload the Liver Formula in addition to the Cycle Assist? Should I also run the Liver Formula on cycle and/or in PCT? I can't think of any other questions. I appreciate any comments and I can give further information if required. Thanks a lot, guys!
Chances are 12mg/day isn't gonna do much. Nolva dose is too low if thats the only serm you are running in post cycle therapy (pct). And your natty test is going to be shutdown so expect your dick to be outta commission for the last 3weeks as well as exhausted all day (lethargy)...Also cut the Adex dose in half...and run liver support during cycle..
Chances are 12mg/day isn't gonna do much. Nolva dose is too low if thats the only serm you are running in post cycle therapy (pct). And your natty test is going to be shutdown so expect your dick to be outta commission for the last 3weeks as well as exhausted all day (lethargy)...Also cut the Adex dose in half...and run liver support during cycle..

I only have one bottle of Ultradrol, so 12mg/day is all I can do.
I have 2 bottles of Trenazone, so it will be 1.5/1.5/1.5/1.5
I thought Arimidex 0.5g EOD was the average? You think it is too much for this cycle?
I will run the Liver Formula along with the CEL Cycle Assist during cycle, thanks for the recommendation.
Would Nolva 30/20/20/10 work better? I only ordered 60 10mg pills.
If Nolva is going to be too low, wouldn't the Cycle Assist being run throughout PCT help with that?
And fuck my dick. Chicks can just look and not touch.. or go ahead and touch then feel like shit because my dick gave no response.
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Seriously, I need some input on this. Everyone runs this stuff different and I'm trying to get as much information as I can so I can start this up soon. Anyone else?
I only have one bottle of Ultradrol, so 12mg/day is all I can do.
I have 2 bottles of Trenazone, so it will be 1.5/1.5/1.5/1.5
I thought Arimidex 0.5g EOD was the average? You think it is too much for this cycle?
I will run the Liver Formula along with the CEL Cycle Assist during cycle, thanks for the recommendation.
Would Nolva 30/20/20/10 work better? I only ordered 60 10mg pills.
If Nolva is going to be too low, wouldn't the Cycle Assist being run throughout PCT help with that?
And fuck my dick. Chicks can just look and not touch.. or go ahead and touch then feel like shit because my dick gave no response.

UD doesn't aromatize and Trenazone has little to no aromatization.. with these compounds you shouldn't even dose an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) until you start to see estrogen sides (which prolly wont occur). AIs are mostly for high aromatizing anabolics like testosterone, drol, and dbol..

I would dose the nolva @20mg/day for 30days. You really should have clomid in pct especially if you are only running 1 SERM. And WTF is cycle assist during pct going to do to bring back your natty production of test?

I'm gonna be honest from your post it doesn't seem like you know much about anabolics and ancilliaries... maybe you should wait to run these as they are pretty potent and should realistically be run with a test base.
I actually have researched a lot. The problem is I receive different information on my specific cycle from different people and different articles. Some run it with next to no support supplements, some run it with heavy Aromatase inhibitor (AI) doseage, some run it with 1 SERM, some run it with 2. I don't know who is right until I just do it myself, I guess. I'm just trying to at least find the most common answer to my questions.
I actually have researched a lot. The problem is I receive different information on my specific cycle from different people and different articles. Some run it with next to no support supplements, some run it with heavy Aromatase inhibitor (AI) doseage, some run it with 1 SERM, some run it with 2. I don't know who is right until I just do it myself, I guess. I'm just trying to at least find the most common answer to my questions.

Your cycle doesn't require an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Those are "dry" compounds. You're better off using the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during post cycle therapy (pct). All anabolics will impact your Blood Pressure, Liver Function and Lipid profiles--> You can never be on too many support supplements. As far as SERMs...we are talking about rebooting your natty production of test so you don't lose all your gains!! 2 SERMs > 1 SERM = better safe than sorry --> you can never over-do post cycle therapy (pct). oh and most won't even run nolva with a progestin based anabolic because it can upregulate progestine receptors...honestly I would run clomid 100/50/50/50 then run nolva after that 20/20

So you can run a very low dose of adex or wait for estro sides to occur otherwise you're going to run your estro into the ground--> can cause estro rebound as adex is not a suicide Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Also I would grab clomid and cabergoline. Run caber @.5mg every 3-4 days to keep prolactin down (Tranzone can bind to progesterone receptors), if you don't you might start lactating from your nips and will make post cycle therapy (pct) a bitch as progesterone receptors affect the negative feedback loop of the HPTA (Hypothalmic Pituitary Testicular Axis).