Uncle Z is my favorite Special Uncle

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Z is at the end of the road, selling counterfeit human grade and now he announces on another board "I'm sorry, I make new section on site for HG replica" give me a fucking break!! Crook, scammer, con man...
yeah the issues with the counterfeits or "replicas" are pretty well known although i doubt you nor your post will last very long, if not for your name only.

some people might not mind the replicas because they tend to actually have the hormone in them (though i wonder for stuff like primo) i dunno.

that's kind of funny that he made a section on the site for it though. does that mean he had stock on hand? i hope not, cause no way he'd have stock on hand and not know they weren't the real thing. was hoping he had someone dropshipping them without his knowledge after showing him real deal stuff in their samples.
Thanks for the response guys, I also just got an email from Z he says they do NOT require signatures for domestic. Everyone, including me, can now relax hehe
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