Union Labs Anavar & Nolvadex Pics


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Anavar & Nolvadex REAL OR FAKE?

Hi guys,

Is this stuff legit? Bought it from a fairly reputable source in Canada.
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Only one way to find out. I would've done my research before buying though. Especially considering you have so many options where you are.
Thank you for responding Rastas. You're right, I didn't do enough research before buying. That said, I am in a university city in Ontario and not a bigger city like Toronto, and thus...I don't know if I have as many options for getting good quality stuff. Maybe I do and I just don't know it :S

I just want to be really cautious before taking anything as I'm also doing my PhD right now and don't want to have any poor interactions that might set me back.

Any further advice or comments would be much appreciated :)
i hope your not going to run just var by itself and try to use just nolva for your pct
like rastas said your just going to need to take it but if its from a reputable source then it should be good
Yeah ^^ Is this first cycle? If not, you had gear from the same place before? Do you know anybody who has used from this source? Their experiences?

All key questions bro.

Thanks for the replies. Much appreciated. Yes, this is my first cycle. I've only ever done the EC stack before. I know of one other guy who used Dbol from this guy and had good results.

I'm looking for a more defined look and am not comfortable injecting at this time, so I thought Anavar would be my best bet.

Ryan640, should I do something different than Anavar then Nolva post cycle therapy (pct)? I plan on taking milk thistle and liv52 during my cycle. Any more advice?
Yeah, google is a powerful tool.. Also alot of bottled gear is counterfeit because it is so easy to do...
Anavar. well you have to take alot of anavar for you to start noticing anything. post your stats on here? Have you been working out for long?