Barks said:
Had anyone here ever experienced hair loss from Animal Stack, and does it have the same likely hood to cause hair loss as steriods?
I'd be more worried about getting gyno than losing my hair if you used Animal Stak.
Posted by pogue on
Animal Stak
Rating: Dangerous product for anyone to use. Stay away from this
Animal Stak. This has to be one of the worst products of all time. This is years behind in development and should be obvious to anyone who knows anything about supplements. I will go over in detail the problems with this and why no one should take it.
Starting first, under Prohormone Complex, we have andro at 100mg, nor-5-andro at 50mg, something they call 5-androxydiol at 50mg, and DHEA at 50mg. Universal really screwed up here. They took out the only two good diol hormones in there and replaced them with worthless diones, including 5AD, and DHEA. This is gyno in a pill. Nor-5-andro has been shown in studies to be an estrogen agonist, along with 5AD. Do not use this product without Nolvadex, ever. In fact, don't use it at all.
Under LH Boosters we have the same thing as M-Stak, which is tribulus and carnitine. Again, too little if it has any effects at all.
Under "Growth Hormone Secretagogues" we have arginine at 2.5g, Ornithine at 1.3g, Taurine at 750mg and Colostrum at 250mg. First off, studies have shown that these amino acids together have no effect on growth hormone release. In fact, they can blunt in. Further, even if it was effective at releasing growth hormone, it would be best taken before bed. Growth hormone has shown to have no effect on increased muscle mass, and has a half life of about 15 minutes. Again, worthless ingredients in large amounts as tablet filler.
We also have the same "Anti-Aromatise Inhibitors" and DHT blockers in the same amounts as in M-Stak. Why it would be in M-stak is beyond me, since it wouldn't have an effect on hormone levels. In here, it makes since, even though its very ineffective.
We also have similar ingredients listed under Thermogenic blend, except here with have 50mg of standardized forskolin.
The same Liver Detoxification ingredients are here as in M-Stak.
This is one bad product. There is no way in hell anyone should ever use this product under any circumstances.