Unsure of this lab/pharma


New member
Not to sure what the policy is on discussing sources but thought I'd share my first hand experience with this...

I'm 7 weeks into my first cycle. I'm running Test E weeks 1-10 & Dbol 'kickstart' weeks 1-5.

Since finishing the Dbol a couple of weeks ago I've noticed the gains slowing down considerably! The Test is 'Bioniche Pharma,' I believe it's fairly new on the scene & I haven't seen any reviews on it. I thought I'd take a bit of a gamble & try it, but I feel it's severely under dosed.

I've changed brands now & we're back in business!

Point to note: My first 3 weeks were 300mg ew the last 6 were 450mg (1.5ml) ew. So I did start off slightly low... I'm 6ft 2, 14% bf & 28.

Also had VERY bad pip!

Just thought I'd share in case any is considering this product, I experienced very little gains & I'm really going above & beyond to maximise gains with regard to food, sleep, training etc.
Well you are running a relatively lower dosage than most will run on a solid cycle. Most typically find best results around the 500mg/wk range but who knows. Probably saw a good amount of the strength with the dbol and when you came off, test was likely just getting to the sweet spot. Not saying this is the case, it may have been some bunk or underdosed gear. I have never heard/used of Bioniche but Ive been using the same domestic/private lab for a while now so havent really ventured out. Which brand did you switch to? Hope all goes smoothly and you see some great gains
There's a thread with similar issues going on about this. Without bloodwork, you don't know if the gear was bad.
Yes I'm well aware 500mg is the recommended. But still, weeks 3-6 I did taper up to 450mg (1.5ml) & still nothing... The Dbol was mint, swelled up on that, responded really well.

I've switched to Cambridge Research Test 400 a mix of fast & slow esters & the results are definitely coming, bench is on the rise again.

Admittedly I am a little impatient, I have made remarkable gains but once the Dbol was out the equation it just physically felt slower, much slower.

Agreed. But I'm convinced this was severely under dosed & just wanted to let others know about this particular brand. For me NOT g2g!!! Cambridge is making me strong, muscles feel fuller, can't stop thinking about sex, self esteem, confidence, everything is on the rise now. So much better.

May draw this cycle out a little longer, but if I do again in the future it'll be 4-6 weekers only.
If your going to do short cycles u need to use gear with short esters. I don't promote any labs here but I don't condone bad mouthing without bloodwork. If your that impatient, you should stick to short esters and pin them every other day. Long esters take 4-6 weeks to kick in and results start being noticeable in the 8-12 week area depending on the compound.
Yes, I'm well aware I'll need fast acting esters for future short cycles lad. Cheers!

That's cool you're a man of principal then...?! Well that's one thing we have in common because I don't condone people falsely accusing me of doing something! 'Bad mouthing?!' You need to think & also read a bit more carefully before you make a comment like that. At what point did I 'bad mouth' bioniche pharma?! I can instantly feel the difference between this product & the CR & I'm entitled to share my thoughts blood work or no fucking bloodwork!
I did read it and I'm still backing my statements. You switched labs and you also switched the type of test your running. While the other test was enanthate which takes 4-6 weeks to kick in, now your running a blend. It probably contains a small amount of prop which is fast acting but u dont know for sure if the other lab's test had built up in your system or not. Not without bloodwork...
was about to say the same thing about the impatient part. when you switched over to the shorter ester, yes, thats going to kick in quite faster. and now that you are mid way, the test e from before may as well be kicking in nicely now. but then again, without the bloodwork there is no way to say yay or nay on it. either way, if you like the quick hitting in cycles, just use the shorter esters from now on...itll save you a lot of headaches. all of these new labs popping up, no clue who half of them are