Upcoming Cycle Logs and Criticize from experts only


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So in a few days time i am starting my next steroid cycle.I have ordered my gear so as soon as i get it i will start posting the cycle log.The compounds i will be using are Sustanon,Tren E,dbol,winny,masteron,letro,metformin,slin,hcg,T3.
So stats about me:Currently 200lbs,5 ft 11 10-13%bf.Just finished a dnp cycle,i fell bloated maybe because of the dnp hopefully water weight will be gone after few days.Here is how my cycle will look
1-6 Sustanon 750mg ew
1-6 Tren e 600mg ew
1-3 Dbol 80mg/ed
3-6 Winny 80mg/ed
3-6 Masteron 500mg/ew
1-6 12iU Slin Humalog post workout
1-6 Metformin 500mg twice a day to keep the insulin sensetivity
1-6 T3 25mcg dailyl
1-6 letro 1/4 tab eod (bromocriptine just in case)
1-6 500iu hcg
Goal:Maximum gain in lbm and minimal fat gains.
Diet is about 4000cal 350protein 350grams carbs 110fats.I consume all the carbs in my postworkout shake with slin and post workout meal. Doing cardio three times a week low-moderate intensive 45min. Weightraning 6 day a week.
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My diet will be
Morning Cottage Cheese 300gr peanut butter 50gr 400gr Greek yogurt fat free ~
Pre Workout 5 Whole Eggs 50gr peanut butter
Post workout Shake Dextrose 100gr mixed with 60gr Whey protein and 10gr creatine
Post workout meal 250gr of rice 400gr chicken breast (measured uncooked)
Last Meal 400gr chicken breast 25gr olive oil + salad