Upcoming cycle


New member
Well first week of August I starting my third cycle. First cycle being test and second I added d-bol.

Im going for a real good bulk cycle.
Test 500mg 1-16 Mon and Thur 250 split
Deca 400mg 1-12/13 (not sure yet) Mon and Thur 200 split
Abomb 50mg 1-4 ed
S-drol 10-20mg 1-4 ed I know don't stack orals but iv read a lot of good results mixing the two and I'll be on liver supplements from this Monday through the whole cycle. Plus I'm keeping s-drol low.

On cycle I'll be using armidex and prami from rui. Just have to figure out there doses, and letro on hand for gyno. Iv never got sides besides acne.

I'm more than prepared for this and my diet is really good. I'm 6,1 210. Id say 10% bf. I may run a log of I can make time to do so and if I start one I am not to not finish it. I'll have before pics when I start.

Only question is what should I dose armidex and prami never used liquid armidex before only pill form.

Nolva and clomid.
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I'm honestly not very familiar with the sdrol or Abomb (anadrol), but I'd shy away from two orals at once... Liquid arimidex should be dosed at the same mg as pill form. If you're going for .5mg EOD, then RUI's 1mg/ml Liquidex would be .5ml EOD.
I would up the test to 600 and run the deca for 14 weeks. Personally, I would never run that much oral at once, and I'm scared of anadrol. Never used it. This a quote from a supplier site:

Anadrol is the most harmful oral steroid and its intake can cause many considerable side effects. Most users can expect certain pathological changes in their liver values after approximately one week. Those who discontinue the use of oxymetholone will usually show normal values within two months. Oxymetholone is the only anabolic/androgenic steroid, which is linked with liver cancer.
I really just want to do it for the experience. As for two orals I do agree but I'm not using heavy s-drol for that reason but the reviews of mixing them make it hard not to try once. Adrol is very harsh but again I have to try it once.

As for test dosages. Why 600 over 500, makes it harder to measure lol. I did want to run it at 750 but I don't see a need. Deca for 14 makes since so I'll do that.
I'd pick one of the orals and call it good. You can always run the other one later, no need to punish your body just because it sounds good. 500/400 test/deca sounds okay to me, but I do prefer my test a little higher when running deca personally. The liquidex should be started at .25mg EOD and if you notice bloating or itchy/painful nipples, bump it up to .5mg EOD. Prami I find to be good at .25mg ED and can also be bumped up if you start to notice any boner problems (soft erections, difficulty getting erections, cannot climax) to .5mg ED. I strongly recommend taking the prami at night before bedtime with a small meal. It can make you nauseous, and I've found this lessens the effect.

I've never read that anadrol is the only AAS linked to liver cancer, but I suppose large enough doses of any hepatotoxic substance could cause a mutagenic effect after enough time. It's been debated time and time again which oral is more toxic, and aside from anavar - they all are pretty damn close in terms of elevating ALT/AST values in my research. Just be safe, and I'm sure you'll have a great cycle.

My .02c :)
Alright guys I will take adrol alone. I have 30 ml of deca so 15 weeks worth so I'll probably do 13-14 weeks cause by the end we all no you don't get a perfect amount out all said and done. I have 40 ml test 250 which at 600 mg will just give me 16 wks so I'll have to get another bottle brewed to be safe. Thanks for your help guys.
I am with everyone else on here, there is really no need for two orals. Hell I would really just do the test/deca. Orals are to hard on your body to justify using them, I ran some BD DBol and that shit shot my Blood pressure through the roof. Good luck with this cycle, I have never ran the test/deca combo, should put some real size on you.
The anadrol made my head feel like it was going to pop off mate! I hated it!
Maybe use only the other one?
I loved dbol so I want to try anadrol and I have prami not cabar. Easier to find. Sooo refinished cycle....

Test 300 mg Mon and Thur 16 weeks
Deca 200 mg Mon and Thursday 13-14 weeks
Anadrol 50mg ed 4 weeks
Prami .25 EOD
Adex .5 EOD

Pct Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 100/50/50/50