URGENT!!! Starting cycle need help


New member
Starting off I would like too say that if this is in the wrong forum section I'm sorry if i can move it I will

I have set my mind on starting my first cycle of testosterone cypionate. I will be starting in less than a week and have questions. I am 18 years old, 170lbs, 5'10. I have been seriously lifting for about a year and a half. Lifting for over 4 years. I take creatine, glucosamine, and drink protein shakes. At the same time I start my 10 week cycle I will be starting beta alanine as well. I am planning on taking a 10 week cycle while taking milk thistle as I go. I have a couple of questions. I will be injecting into my buttocks.

When taking this cycle is there anything anyone can recommend that would be beneficial or a rookie mistake?

When coming off I want too take a PCT and have not found anything that has helped me out with what too get thats cost effective and simple (I do not want anything involving injections).

Also kind of goes along with my previous questions I heard once I come off I would keep about 80% of gains, if not true what is the best way possible too keep as much as I can.

Last question, SAFETY is my biggest concern any positive comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated
My plan is only too do 1 cycle in prep. for summer, I have heard its addictive but thats another topic.

Any insight on this would be greatly appreciated as I am starting soon and would like to get the best results the safest way possible.
Your post reeks of poor impulse control and lack of understanding of the potential problems/consequences of this poor decision

You say something about safety...for your own sake do more research and wait a few years
I am set on taking it and have someone surpervsing me. I have came here for help not too be persuaded not too taker it so any ADVICE would be nice. Thank you
Using steroids before your endocrine system has fully developed will result in permanently lower testosterone levels for the rest of your life. It's not worth it man, you can lose your dick, your confidence, and all your energy and motivation. Low test causes depression. It's a shitty fucking place to be. Just ask any of the guys on the TRT forum. You'll no doubt end up there in time if you decide you can't wait.
Urgent! Starting and need help

Starting off I would like too say that if this is in the wrong forum section I'm sorry if i can move it I will. I am not looking to be persuaded out of taking it just ADVICE only.

I have set my mind on starting my first cycle of testosterone cypionate. I will be starting in less than a week and have questions. I am 18 years old, 170lbs, 5'10. I have been seriously lifting for about a year and a half. Lifting for over 4 years. I take creatine, glucosamine, and drink protein shakes. At the same time I start my 10 week cycle I will be starting beta alanine as well. I am planning on taking a 10 week cycle while taking milk thistle as I go. I have a couple of questions. I will be injecting into my buttocks.

When taking this cycle is there anything anyone can recommend that would be beneficial or a rookie mistake?

When coming off I want too take a PCT and have not found anything that has helped me out with what too get thats cost effective and simple (I do not want anything involving injections).

Also kind of goes along with my previous questions I heard once I come off I would keep about 80% of gains, if not true what is the best way possible too keep as much as I can.

Last question, SAFETY is my biggest concern any positive comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated
My plan is only too do 1 cycle in prep. for summer, I have heard its addictive but thats another topic.

Any insight on this would be greatly appreciated as I am starting soon and would like to get the best results the safest way possible.
the biggest rookie mistake here is doing the cycle in the first place. put some more time in guy you will end up happier for a longer period of time.
A rookie mistake would be starting a cycle in less than a week. Your a wreck. Your only 18 and you don't know what your doing. You think your just going to run test and protein shakes for ten weeks and be banging bitches all summer long. News flash! It don't work like that. With the info you have your dick might not work all summer long. Work on diet and training. Chics like personality too. Leave the gear alone for 5-7 years. Sounds harsh but its really for your own good. One cycle isn't going to be the end of it anyways. You got a long ways to go on education bud...
I am set on taking it and have someone surpervsing me. I have came here for help not too be persuaded not too taker it so any ADVICE would be nice. Thank you

If you have somebody supervising you then why are you here? Doesn't make a bit of sense! Most of us haven't been 18 in a long time so you'll have to do better...
I am set on taking it and have someone surpervsing me. I have came here for help not too be persuaded not too taker it so any ADVICE would be nice. Thank you

See you in the TRT forum six months from now when your shit stops working. Why do you guys ask for advice when you KNOW what you're going to be told? We don't want you to mess up your body, but I guess at 18 you still think you're invincible.

If you had a fire in front of you, and a friend was going to watch you stick your hand in it - but asked here if fire really is hot, would you STILL stick your hands in there just to prove we're right?

Learn diet and training FIRST. The drugs will be there when you're ready.
Don't do it! I read posts like this and just put my hands to my face and shake my head. At your age you should be able to blow up with just food bro! What is it with this younger generation that thinks that results come from drugs.
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If you have somebody supervising you then why are you here? Doesn't make a bit of sense! Most of us haven't been 18 in a long time so you'll have to do better...

Exactly. Do you know what Hcg is? How it is used? What's your pct like? Do you want to jam a syringe in your leg every week for life? Be smart you are just a child.
If safety is truly you're number one concern you would have already know that 18 is to young and will cause problems down the road. So with SAFETY in mind Id lay off for 5-7 years. Eat lots traing hard get big natty then you'll be ready to cycle and keep your gains and just hang around here and you'll be more then ready.
Hello, bigmman1996. You remind me of myself during my youth. In a rush to do a cycle, and got hooked on of course, I didn't want to come off. Well now I suffer the consequences; Testosterone Replacement Therapy. Not that it's a bad thing, it was a choice I had made. Do I regret it? Not really because I have learned a lot throughout my journey... but I also had the luxury of having SEVERAL friends in my entourage to help me out and properly inform me. I am talking about 3-15 years experienced bodybuilders who blast and cruise year round. I could PCT and probably recover. But in my opinion, you should honestly give yourself more time. I mean it. Give yourself at least 2 more years. See where your genetics could bring you naturally.
Also, I have not seen you mention anything about your diet. I am very intrigued to know how you diet on a daily basis. Protein shakes don't get you big... you should know that if you want to start a cycle. Also, what is the point in milk thistle lol? Totally useless, injectables don't affect your liver, mostly at your dose. And testosterone is totally safe if not abused.

I don't see the point in doing a cycle if you are going to PCT. You will simply shrink back to your original size. Keeping that size is very hard without the proper diet,training and knowledge. Which is why bodybuilders never come off. What is the point of working hard and losing most of what you earned? Another reason why you should wait longer before even considering steroids. You'll need consistent blood works on cycle, and you don't get that everywhere.
Instead of going on a cycle, start doing research. I have been reading up on this stuff for years, and I still consider myself a total rookie.