using nolva, femara, and proviron


New member
I am using Nolva to offset the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) currently. I am also starting a new cycle that combined femara and proviron. The use of these 3 compunds will overlap for 2 weeks. Are there any side effects I need to be concerned with regardig the combination of these anti-estrogens and proviron?
Not that I am aware of, but proviron is NOT an anti-e, it is an androgen. The one question I have is why would you need to overlap nolva and letrozole? That doesn't make any sense to me.
I started my cycle looks like this:

EQ 400mg/wk
Test Ethanate 500mg/wk
Prop 50mg/ed for 4 weeks...just getting the terst going until the ethanate kicks in.
Winny 50mg/ed starting in 2 weeks

I am using femara for the first time. I have had great success with Nolva. I just got the femara in and neede the nolva for the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) use. I am using proviron tho keep the limp dick at bay.
you are using 500 mg of test a week, you will NOT need proviron to get a stiffy, you might need something to take them away. I would just stick to novaldex if you have enough I don't like the inhibitors. unless you have problems with BP or water retention.
I have water retention problems with the heavier tests (eth / sust) all the others are fine. Which is the reason I decided to try to femara. Why don't you like the inhibitors?
lipid profile main reason and I kinda like the water retention from test, I don't get tons and it helps me look fuller during cycle. after cycle I lose it and looked ripped. Actually I use inhibitors post-cycle more to lose water.