Using peptides during PCT??


New member
Hey guys, usually i will do some research for myself before posting a new thread but i've been doing so much of that lately i just need a straight forward opinion on this matter without doing my head in haha.

I see on other forums and threads people saying "yeah its fine, you can run igf or ghrp etc during pct". But is this true? While my hpta is getting itself back on track, will adding in these other hormones disturb the process in anyway? Or do peptides target a whole new department of the body rather than the endocrine? Maybe i sound stupid i dont know haha.
I hear people saying sarms are fine to run during pct and you can bridge them between cycles... other people say they have ended up on HRT for doing that and you shouldnt. So if someone has some knowledge and answer on this i would appareciate your input :) or even if you do this yourself between cycles and bloodwork pulls up fine everytime, let me know.

I'd like to run ghrp-6 during pct with maybe some IGF-1 or CJC. The ghrp would boost my appetite which is always a problem for me in pct and the others to keep me lean and still atleast slowly gaining in the gym during recovery.
I love peptides in pct...I usually use cjc no dac and Ipam at 4 injs of 100mcgs each and I have never had an issue with my hpta not recovering